Bernard Tomic will be forced to sweat through January if he wants to win way back to top flight
BERNARD Tomic intends to enter qualifying for the Brisbane International and the Australian Open, indicating he expects a January circuit without favours.
BERNARD Tomic intends to enter qualifying for the Brisbane International and the Australian Open, indicating firmly he expects a January circuit without Tennis Australia wildcard favours.
Tomic has slumped in the rankings from No. 26 to No. 141 this year, but is still the fourth-ranked Australian man.
The 25-year-old former Australian No. 1 has pulled out of a Challenger tournament in Italy next week he had entered and will have a break ahead of pre-season training.
It is significant that Tomic has not yet sought to enter qualifying for the Sydney international, which is played in the second week of the season from January 7 and is an event he won in 2013.
Qualifying rounds for the Australian Open start in the middle of the Sydney tournament week and he could not play both.
“Bernard is done for the season. He’s currently entered into Brisbane and Australian Open qualifying,’’ said Tomic’s agent Matthew Fawcett.
Tomic’s entries for qualifying in the two January tournaments would show he is determined to play home events even though Tennis Australia has done nothing to dispel beliefs that its wildcards will go to other, mostly younger Australians.
The Gold Coaster rejected Davis Cup selection this year by TA and also dismayed TA when he admitted to feigning injury in a Wimbledon loss and to be being “a little bit bored” on court.
Tomic had two other options of ATP tournaments in which to play qualifying should he have opted to go offshore to start his Australian Open campaign rather than play in Brisbane.
The Brisbane International yesterday announced a third women’s top-10 entrant, France's Caroline Garcia, and Australian No. 3 Sam Stosur as players to join the field.
Eighth-ranked Garcia won three WTA titles this year, including the Wuhan, China final in which she saw off Ash Barty in three sets last month.
Brisbane’s Lizette Cabrera made the quarter-finals of the $US125,000 Taipei Open with a 6-2, 7-5 win over Russia’s world No. 83 Evgeniya Rodina.
In Japan, Brisbane’s John Millman advanced to the Toyota Challenger semi-finals with a 7-5, 6-2 defeat of compatriot Max Purcell.
Originally published as Bernard Tomic will be forced to sweat through January if he wants to win way back to top flight