
Shane Warne lets the world know Jenna Jameson followed him on Twitter

THE King of Spin revealed on Twitter this morning he has joined a very exclusive club — but is it that exclusive?

Porn actress Jenna Jameson
Porn actress Jenna Jameson

YOU can just imagine the look on Shane Warne’s face when he logged on to Twitter this morning and discovered who the newest of his 2.13 million followers was.

Jenna Freaking Jameson.

That’s right, perhaps the most famous porn star of all-time wants to keep tabs on what our legendary spin king is getting up to these days.

Of course there was no way Warnie was keeping a follow of that magnitude to himself.

Thanks for letting us know, Shane. But what was even better is Jameson immediately hit him back.

AFL player Brodie Smith was impressed.

But a quick peek at Jameson’s Twitter page reveals she follows almost 10,000 people. That’s minuscule compared to the 611,000 who follow her, but it’s still pretty high for a celebrity.

And on the golf course.
And on the golf course.
Jenna Jameson at the Super Bowl.
Jenna Jameson at the Super Bowl.

Taking further gloss of Warnie’s moment is the fact he’s not even the first sports star to make headlines for getting a follow from Jameson in the past 24 hours.

Jameson started trending in Liverpool yesterday after former Reds player Jason McAteer revealed she’d followed him.

Congratulations, gents!

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