
Dennis Rodman’s emotional interview about North Korea summit

FORMER NBA star Dennis Rodman dissolved into tears on live television in a bizarre meltdown about North Korea.

Dennis Rodman endorses the historic Singapore summit (CNN)

FORMER NBA star Dennis Rodman has dissolved into tears on live television during a bizarre and emotional interview about the North Korea summit.

Yes, that sentence is real and it’s spectacular.

As Kim Jong-un and Donald Trump met behind closed doors to discuss the denuclearisation of the Korean Peninsula, Mr Rodman appeared on CNN wearing a “Make America Great Again” cap, sunglasses and a T-shirt advertising

It’s like Bitcoin, but for weed, apparently.

MORE: Live coverage of the North Korea summit

Mr Rodman, a former professional basketballer turned advocate for North Korea, opened up about his personal friendship with Kim Jong-un and his struggle to be taken seriously.

“I was very naive when I went over there. I thought I was just going to play basketball. But it turned out to be so much bigger than I thought,” Mr Rodman said of his first trip to North Korea in 2013.

“Just meeting the regime, meeting Kim Jong-un and the marshalls, I just fell in love with the country from day one.”

Mr Rodman grew emotional as he recalled trying to reach out to former US president Barack Obama on North Korea’s behalf.

“Obama didn’t even give me the time of day,” he said.

“I asked him — I said I have something to say from North Korea. He just brushed me off. But that didn’t deter me.

“When I said those damn things … when I went back home . I got so many death threats,” he continued, choking up.

“I believed in North Korea, and when I went home … I couldn’t even go home. I had to hide out for 30 days. I couldn’t even go home.

“I got so much bad press. I couldn’t even go home. But I kept my head high, brother. I knew things were gonna change. I was the only one. I had no one to hear me, no one to see me, but I knew it. I took those bullets, I took all that.

“Everyone came at me, but I’m still standing. Today is a great day for everyone. Singapore, China, everyone — today is a great day.

“I’m so happy.”

Mr Rodman is one of just a handful of Westerners to have visited the reclusive North Korean state and met its leader. He has called Kim, who is believed to be a huge basketball fan and occasional player, his “friend for life”.

He also has a personal relationship with Mr Trump, having appeared on his reality TV show, Celebrity Apprentice.

Before his meltdown, Mr Rodman told CNN about a “gift” he gave Kim early in their relationship — he brought over some professional basketballers to play in North Korea — and revealed how the dictator reacted.

“I said I’m gonna give him a present,” he said. “I got a lot of people together and it happened. And Kim came to me and said Dennis, this is the first time someone has ever kept their word to me and my country. I came through and I think he really appreciated that.”

Mr Rodman was full of compliments for Kim, calling him a “big kid”.

“He’s all about the 21st century, he’s going to progress his country,” Mr Rodman said.

“He’s more like a big kid, even though he’s small, but he loves to have a good time.

“This guy wants to be around the world, he wants to come to America, he wants to enjoy his life.

“People know that Kim Jong-un is not a dumb man. I think he’s trying to protect his people and protect his honour.”

The former NBA star sidestepped anchor Chris Cuomo’s questions about North Korea’s brutal human rights record, dismissing it as “politics”.

“I’m not a politician,” he said. “He’s a good friend to me. That’s what I look at. I don’t see the politics of this situation, I want that to go away, I want us to get along.”

He was optimistic about Mr Trump’s chances of forging ahead with a peace deal, and revealed the president had (indirectly) thanked him for his role in bringing North Korea and the United States together.

“Donald Trump’s secretary called up and said, ‘Donald Trump is so proud of you, he thanks you a lot.’

“We have really put ourselves on the line to reach out to North Korea and they have been so gracious to me, my family and the United States. So let’s make this happen. If Trump can pull this off, more power to him.”

USA and North Korea hold historic summit

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