
Swimming legend Stephanie Rice shares toll of Dubai backlash

Swimming legend Steph Rice has responded after receiving harsh backlash following her recent move to Dubai.

'Really low'- Star bares soul after trolling

Australian swimming legend Stephanie Rice has bared her soul after facing intense trolling in response to her move to Dubai.

The 35-year-old shared a series of Instagram posts documenting the recent move, including the emotional turmoil she experienced with having no plan for when she arrived.

She was particularly mocked for a video showing herself crying while flying first class to the city, leaving many to suspect she had filmed several takes before hitting upload.

“Was this your third or fourth take of the video?,” one person commented.

Another Instagram user wrote: “Must be so hard getting great opportunities and flying first class”.

In a fresh series of clips uploaded to her Instagram Stories, she revealed she had felt “really really low” a few weeks ago and while she had since been feeling far stronger, the uncertainty mixed with negative comments had been difficult to process.

“I just wanted to say that it was a really low time for me and I’ve obviously made a lot of changes,” she told followers.

Steph Rice has responded to backlash.
Steph Rice has responded to backlash.
She was trolled for crying in a first class seat.
She was trolled for crying in a first class seat.

“And I’m walking a lot stronger in my faith and becoming a Christian and I’d already booked this trip in.”

She had felt haunted by lots of unknowns since making the move but had committed to trusting the process.

“There’s a lot of things that I’m going through around not wanting to feel alone and not really knowing what I’m doing here but knowing I’m meant to be here, and just feel like I’m getting told to build trust and faith in the path even though I can’t fully see it which is challenging for me.

“But I feel like the way I was doing things before wasn’t serving and helping me get to where I really wanted to go.”

Rice acknowledged she had received some negative pushback but was appreciative of the people who were supportive.

“I just wanted to say thank you for the people who have shared so much love and support. I feel it’s always been very important for me to share very openly,” she added.

“One of the struggles I had with moving to Christianity was just how that would be received publicly, my life has always been public, I’m no stranger to receiving criticism or people that just don't agree and that’s OK, I’ve made my peace with that

“I appreciate the love and support I get, I also see people that don't have nice things to say and I’m just moving through that in my own time and just asking for a bit of grace, but just wanted to say thank you and give you a bit of an update.”

She shocked fans with her Dubai move. Photo: Instagram
She shocked fans with her Dubai move. Photo: Instagram
People accused her of filming several takes. Picture: Instagram
People accused her of filming several takes. Picture: Instagram

The swimming icon said even before her recent commitment to Christianity, she had always taken herself to church wherever she had been competing around the world.

“I would walk into a church and pray. I just knew there was a higher power and I knew there was grace upon certain situations. I always felt that it helped me to pray.”

In her earlier video where she appeared visibly emotional while on the flight, she explained how she, “packed up my whole live (sic) in Australia, bought a one-way ticket to Dubai to start a new chapter and I’m feeling all the emotions surrounding this fresh start”.

She also posted: “The past few months have been a rollercoaster of emotions, which have brought about so many wonderful changes which I’m excited to share with you as I start this new journey in Dubai.

“I’m sure you all have a lot of questions about this move and trust that I will share it with you in due course. At this stage I have no set plans yet in Dubai which is a little scary, I just knew I needed to follow this calling from deep within.

“Moving overseas has been something I have felt called to for so long, it just was never quite the right time … but now the time has come!”

Rice made the emotional reveal on social media Photo: Facebook.
Rice made the emotional reveal on social media Photo: Facebook.

She wrote earlier this week alongside a photo of her arriving at the airport: “A new journey begins.

“My emotions are flying all over the place. I go from excitement to worry to what ifs, but I keep hearing in prayer “one step at a time” so I’m leaning into that.

The sports star shared a photo on Saturday that showed her standing on a high-rise balcony overlooking the super-city’s skyline.

“Found a home in Dubai,” she wrote.

“It was a stressful few days running around trying to find somewhere I felt comfortable, peaceful and safe, but I found it.

“I’m so excited to move in tomorrow and unpack all the things and get set up in a daily routine. Those daily rituals, like a morning coffee, gym, healthy breakfast, reading daily are so important to me. It grounds me in and brings me strength, peace, calmness, energy, focus … which I haven’t felt for a few weeks with the move, packing up life in Australia and uncertainty since landing.

“Now that I have that step checked off I’m excited to see where God leads me next.”

Rice had never previously spoken publicly about her plans and didn’t mention it during filming of this year’s SAS Australia, where she was forced to quit as a result of serious injury.

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