

French cyclist Christophe Basson, known as ‘Mr Clean’, blasts Australian riders for not supporting his anti-doping stance

EXCLUSIVE: THE cyclist who first questioned Lance Armstong’s Tour de France performances has hit out at Australian riders for staying silent over doping.

Cyclist Lance Armstrong on a short ride to stretch his legs after arriving for the Tour Down Under in Adelaide, South Australia.
Cyclist Lance Armstrong on a short ride to stretch his legs after arriving for the Tour Down Under in Adelaide, South Australia.

HE was known as cycling’s “Mr Clean”, and his outspoken views on doping during the sport’s darkest days saw him bullied out of the Tour de France by Lance Armstrong, and out of cycling altogether by a hostile peloton.

But despite being vindicated with Armstrong’s downfall, Frenchman Christophe Bassons believes it is naive to think the sport is now clean and says Australian riders were among a vast group whose silence showed them to be dopers or cowards, or both.

“Australian cyclists never supported me during my career. Why?” Bassons told the Sunday Telegraph.

“Australian cyclists have never spoken out about doping. Why? There are two possible reasons: either they were doping and they couldn’t say. In that case, they were cheats like the others.

“Or they weren’t doping and they didn’t support me or say anything because of selfishness and to keep their job: in that case, they were cowards.

“There were no athletes who didn’t dope or didn’t know that doping was happening.”

Bassons was a promising young rider when the Festina affair — his team — blew up in 1998. A team car full of drugs was discovered by police, and the scandal made Bassons famous when teammates admitted he was the only one who’d refused to dope.

Writing columns discussing the scourge of doping in his first, and ultimately last, Tour de France in 1999, Bassons rankled the sport and it’s godfather Armstrong in particular.

When he wrote the suspicious speed shown by the American in winning the previous stage “shocked” the peloton, Bassons was confronted by Armstrong on the next stage from Sestriere to Alp D’Huez and was aggressively told to “go home”.

Shattered by the incident, and even more by the cold isolation from his team and the peloton, Bassons withdrew the next day and retired from cycling two years later.

Bassons continued to be an anti-doping crusader as Armstrong went on to win seven tainted TDF titles, but felt more scorn for the rest of the riders who meekly went along with the doping omerta.

In a new autobiography, Bassons says he even used to cheer when he saw Armstrong winning stages and races.

Christophe Bassons has blasted fellow cyclists for staying silent over doping in the sport.
Christophe Bassons has blasted fellow cyclists for staying silent over doping in the sport.

“Lance Armstrong told me what all other riders in the peloton thought,” Bassons explained from England last week.

“When I saw all the riders in the peloton and in particular the French riders saying nothing and not supporting me, I really resented them for it. They were cowards, without courage.

“Cyclists are selfish and protect their own interests: they protect their work and their image.

“The peloton didn’t like Armstrong. The majority of riders were not happy when he won races.

“When I condemned doping, no one followed me and helped. That is why I was happy when riders, who had done nothing to stop doping, submitted to Armstrong’s domination. Too bad for them. For me, their cowardice and selfishness are more questionable than doping.”

Bassons believes cycling authorities were aware of the extent of doping in the 1990s and 2000s but did very little to stop it, keener instead to maintain the sport’s booming public profile. He also alleges Armstrong protected himself from scrutiny by cultivating a group of powerful friends, including the President of France and UCI officials.

“People in cycling knew what was happening. All the riders believed the US postal team were doped, but they said nothing,” Bassons said.

“In my opinion, the organisers also suspected it but they were happy with cycling’s widespread media coverage in the United States, like (last week) in the United Kingdom.

“Armstrong, in giving a bike to Nicolas Sarkozy and money to the UCI, built an important network. All the riders thought he was protected by the President of France and (former UCI boss) Hein Verbruggen.

“I don’t think (Armstrong) has told us everything about his relationship with the UCI, the organisers and other high-profile figures. Perhaps he was protected by some people and he hasn’t said so.”

Despite still feeling like a pariah 16 years after his run-in with Armstrong, Bassons says he watched with indifference as the American finally confessed to Oprah Winfrey in 2012. He believes the masses of other doping admissions that have come in recent years not only ring hollow, they divert attention from the ongoing fight against drugs in cycling.

“I’m not sure they do it to fight against doping. For me, Floyd Landis is a bad example. He spoke up because he tested positive. He then denounced Armstrong in order to reduce his own punishment,” Bassons said.

“As for the other riders who speak up and confess, I think it’s pointless. It’s too late. It is better to deal with the present than the past.

“Personally, I have always spoken of the present by saying if there was doping or not in cycling. When you talk about the past, you don’t talk about the present. When we talk about Armstrong, we don’t talk about the cyclists in the 2014 peloton.”

Asked if he believed the current Tour de France is clean Bassons said: “Even today, cyclists ride as quickly at the end of Tour de France as at the beginning of Tour de France. Is that normal?”

“Cyclists with very little muscle are very powerful. Is that normal? Some teams dominate the sport. Is that normal? No cyclist wants to talk about doping. Is that normal?” Bassons continued.

“Cycling says it is clean thanks to the biological passport. For me, the biological passport prevents big doping but allows small and constant doping. That’s perhaps even more dangerous.”

Bassons dined with Armstrong last year, as part of the disgraced riders’ “redemption tour” that saw him apologise to people he wronged during his career.

Asked if Armstrong’s contrition might be just another act from a man who spent two decades lying and bullying to protect his reputation, Bassons said: “I am not sure about anything. Maybe Armstrong is lying and maybe he manipulated me but it doesn’t matter.”

“With that meeting, I wanted to show that today I am happier than him, that I have no worries and I’m proud of myself,” Bassons continued.

“I wanted to give him a chance to explain and I wanted to see what psychological state he was. Even if he isn’t sincere, I think that apologising to me must have been difficult for him. In 1999, who would have thought that one day Lance Armstrong would apologise to Christophe Bassons?”

*“A Clean Break - My Story” by Christophe Bassons, and published by Bloombury, is available in book stores now.*

Originally published as French cyclist Christophe Basson, known as ‘Mr Clean’, blasts Australian riders for not supporting his anti-doping stance

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