
Lance Armstrong's confession to Oprah Winfrey leaves important questions unanswered

ANALYSIS: LANCE Armstrong's abject humiliation is now complete. Or so he would have the world believe.

LANCE Armstrong's abject humiliation is now complete.

Or so he would have the world believe.

The Texan showed far more contrition in the second part of his interview with Oprah Winfrey, laying bare raw emotion at odds with his trademark combativeness.

Addressing the betrayal of his son Luke, ex-wife Kristin, sabotaging teammate Alberto Contador and lost sponsorships, Armstrong was a curious mix of defiance and repentance.

Admitting he is now receiving therapy for his many flaws, Armstrong said he did not deserve "a death penalty" - a nod to the life ban he has been given for doping.

For the second time in two days, there was an appalling lack of regret.

But there were almost tears, a flickering inkling into the soul of a man who remains in the wilderness - and might be lost forever.

Leo Schlink on Lance part one: Sorry effort just laughable

Prodded on a personal level, Armstrong was at times curt; At other times, he rambled to the point of being contradictory.

As a past master of controlling every situation, from running doping rings, to ruthlessly ending careers of supposed friends, Armstrong played Oprah on a break.

Her lack of sharpness when follow-up questions simply begged to be asked allowed sport's worst cheat to wriggle free.

When Oprah asked Armstrong "Was there anybody who knew the whole truth?" Armstrong replied: "Yeah."

But there was no follow-up question. Who, perhaps? The UCI, cycling's controlling body?

Similarly. there was no grilling on Armstrong's alleged co-conspirators Johan Bruyneel and Dr Michele Ferrari in more than 150 minutes of broadcast.

As with the first installment, the number of lingering questions outnumbered - and outweighed - Armstrong's evasive answers.

Armstrong again contrived to pass himself off as the victim.

He said the scandal he authored had cost him $75 million in future earnings.

He said one of the lowest moments was telling 13-year-old Luke not to defend him any more.

He said losing a swag of loyal sponsors was difficult, but being asked to distance himself from his LiveSTRONG cancer charity was crushing.

Lance Armstrong admissions
Lance Armstrong admissions

Armstrong said he will continue to receive therapy, acknowledging how warped his life has become.

Briefly, the self-described bully, cheat and liar looked redemptive as he attempts to extract himself from the mire.

"I do not know the outcome here and I’m getting comfortable with that," he said of his future. That would have driven me crazy in the past.

"When I was diagnosed (with cancer) I was a better human being after that. I was a smarter human being after that. Then I lost my way.

"This is the second time. I can’t lose my way again. Only I can control that."

On a human level, Armstrong is on shifting ground. In a previous life, he never needed to be anything other than the autocrat he became.

Now, stripped of his titles, wealth and status, his future remains clouded.

Armstrong had the chance in May to become the US Anti-Doping Agency's star witness, take his medicine and move on, but decided there was a better way.

Handwringing to Hollywood will go only so far, Lance. Now is the time to produce truthful sworn testimony, run the risk of going to jail and take whatever is coming.

He gambled by taking on an authority armed to the teeth with evidence.

Apart from the years of doping, it was the biggest mistake of Armstrong's life.

"The ultimate crime is the betrayal of the people who believed in me and supported me," he said.

He told Winfrey he had the opportunity to do what Kristin Armstrong repeatedly told him - "The truth will set you free" - in his aborted dealings with USADA.

Handwringing to Hollywood will go only so far, Lance.

Now is the time to produce truthful sworn testimony, run the risk of going to jail and take whatever is coming.

A tough road lies ahead but, as Armstrong now seems to appreciate, the time has come to square the ledger.

And that will take some doing.

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