
Transgender athletes: Weightlifter Laurel Hubbard sparks latest debate over what’s fair

THEY’VE put men in space, built driverless cars and cured all sorts of diseases but there is one thing mankind has never been able to invent — a set of rules for transgender athletes that keeps everyone happy, writes Robert Craddock.

Crash and JMo take on the GC - on Laurel Hubbard exit

THEY’VE put men in outer space, built cars that don’t need drivers and cured all sorts of exotic diseases but there is one thing mankind has never been able to invent.

A set of rules for transgender athletes that keep everyone happy.

The appearance of transgender Kiwi weightlifter Laurel Hubbard, 40, who competed internationally as Gavin before becoming at woman at age 35, at the Games has fanned the fire of debate that is split between two passionate and entirely plausible arguments.

The issue was defused when she was forced to withdraw with a gruesome elbow injury attempting a Games record in the 90kg-plus class — but she will be back and so will the firestorm that accompanies her every heave.

Controversial weightlifter Laurel Hubbard. Picture: Getty Images
Controversial weightlifter Laurel Hubbard. Picture: Getty Images

Modern society is proud of the irresistible forces of the equality debate which allows gay couples to get married and women to gain a fair foothold in the workplace.

The equality steam train is rumbling along at such a force that it appears unstoppable, yet when the transgender sporting issue raises its head it’s almost as if someone has pushed the emergency “stop’’ button, the train screeches to a halt and the conductor figuratively scratches his chin and asks “where to next?’’.

EXPLAINER: Hubbard pulls out of Games with injury

There are many contradictory forces at play and some opinions which don’t go on party lines.

Cate McGregor, the former Australian Army captain who is one of the nation’s most prominent transgender identities and spokespersons, is a staunch advocate for transgender rights — yet she does not believe Hubbard should have been allowed to compete against the women today.

Hubbard competing in the Women's +90kg final. Picture: Getty Images
Hubbard competing in the Women's +90kg final. Picture: Getty Images

“I saw the photo of her and it was very clear she enjoys a physical advantage which is not possible for a born women to enjoy,’’ McGregor told me.

“Nothing against her as a person and I do feel sorry for her but I just don’t think it is right that she is competing against born women at this stage, so it’s probably a good thing she did not win today and you wonder whether the pressure of all she has been through may have told.

“I’m a great defender of the right of transgender athletes but in the case of physical contact or raw strength the IOC guidelines are vulnerable to anomalies which can give some athletes advantages over born women.

“Sad as it is sometimes you have to raise the yellow flag in the name of getting an even playing field because the public interest and the long-term interests of the trans community are better served by the greater good and not competing at the elite level.’’

Caster Semenya (right) wins her 1500m heat on day five. Picture: Getty Images
Caster Semenya (right) wins her 1500m heat on day five. Picture: Getty Images

Hubbard has bravely fought her way through the controversy, as has controversial South African middle distance champion Caster Semenya, who competed on Monday, continuing a career in when she was once suspended while she had tests to explore her sexuality. Semenya has never had gender surgery.

The transgender issue is a complex one because moral guidelines can get confused to what is essentially a debate about flesh and blood and the physical differences between men and women.

It’s hard to pound the pulpit and demand equality when things are not equal.

Yet, for all that, by the definition of the rules which decree her testosterone level had to be below a certain level for a year, Hubbard is allowed to compete because she has followed the rules.

Rules which are sure to be tinkered with over the years ... and every change will put more fuel on the fire.

Originally published as Transgender athletes: Weightlifter Laurel Hubbard sparks latest debate over what’s fair

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