
Horace Grant takes aim at Michael Jordan over The Jordan Rules leaks

A former teammate of Michael Jordan has unloaded in a scathing spray over allegations raised during The Last Dance documentary.

Horace Grant went in on Michael Jordan
Horace Grant went in on Michael Jordan

Horace Grant isn’t happy with Michael Jordan and the former teammate of the NBA megastar didn’t hold back when discussing His Airness.

Grant was a member of the Chicago Bulls during their first three-peat alongside Jordan, but the team faced a tumultuous ride thanks to a book from reporter Sam Smith.

The book ‘The Jordan Rules’ was released in 1992 and shared behind the scenes details of the team’s run to their first NBA title in 1991 and showed off a side of the superstar the world hadn’t seen before.

Jordan turned from icon to villain in the eyes of many after the book hit shelves, leaving the Chicago star unhappy with what had been brought to light. But after so many years just who spoke to Smith remained a point of contention, Jordan believes it was Grant who was in Smith’s ear.

"I didn't contribute to that," Jordan said during The Last Dance.

"That was Horace. He was telling everything that was happening within the group."

Grant, who has long denied he was the one feeding behind the scenes information to Smith, unloaded over the latest allegations levelled at him during an interview with ESPN Radio in Chicago and took a shot at the docu-series that has taken the world by storm.

“That is a downright, outright, completely lie. Lie, lie, lie. And as I stated, if M.J. had a grudge with me, let's settle it like men. Let's talk about it, or we can settle it another way.

“Yet and still, he puts out this lie out that I was the source behind it. Sam and I have always been great friends, we're still great friends. But the sanctity of that locker room, I would never put anything personal out there.

“The mere fact that Sam Smith was an investigative reporter, that he had to have two sources – two – to write a book. Why would M.J. just point me out?

“It's only a grudge man, and I think he proved that during the so-called documentary. If you say something about him, he's gonna cut you off, he's gonna try to destroy your character.

“I mean, Charles Barkley, they've been friends for over 20, 30 years, and he said something about Michael's management with the Charlotte Bobcats or Charlotte Hornets, and they haven't spoken since then.

“My point is, he says I was the snitch, but still after 35 years he brings up his rookie year, going into one of his teammates rooms and seeing coke and weed and women.

“My point is, why did he want to bring that up? What does that got to do with anything? If you want to call somebody a snitch, that's a damn snitch right there.”

Grant wasn’t happy with how the documentary portrayed certain moments throughout the Bulls’ historic tenure and also said Jordan crossed the line too often with his teammates.

"I would say (it was) entertaining, but we know, who was there as teammates, that about 90 per cent of it – I don't know if I can say it on air, but B.S. in terms of the realness of it," Grant said.

"It wasn't real – because a lot of things (Jordan) said to some of his teammates, that his teammates went back at him. But all of that was kind of edited out of the documentary, if you want to call it a documentary.

"He felt that he could dominate me, but that was sadly mistaken.

"Because whenever he went at me, I went at him right back. But in terms of Will Perdue, Steve Kerr and the young man, Scott Burrell, that was heartbreaking (to watch).

“To see a guy, a leader, to go at those guys like that. I understand in terms of practising, you have a push and shove here and there, but outright punching and things of that nature. And calling them the B's and the H's, that wasn't called for."

As was shown several times throughout the series, Jordan can hold a grudge like few others and after he catches wind of Grant’s scathing response it’s highly unlikely the two men will be sitting down to shoot the breeze any time soon.

Now we wait to see if Jordan will respond to Grant’s comments or if we’ll have to wait another chunk of time for His Airness to throw out more barbs at opponents and teammates.

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