
Gary Ablett’s wife lifts lid on year from hell in lengthy Instagram post

Gary Ablett’s wife Jordan has detailed the devastating impact of the death of her mother and her son’s rare diagnosis in a lengthy Instagram post.

Gary and Jordan Ablett and their son Levi.
Gary and Jordan Ablett and their son Levi.

The Abletts aren’t the only ones who were dealt a rough hand in 2020 but they’ve certainly done it harder than most.

Forced to live under Victoria’s tough Covid restrictions while also being separated when Gary had to travel to complete the AFL season with Geelong, the family of three were also rocked by the death of Jordan’s mother, Trudy, and their son, Levi’s diagnosis with a rare and degenerative disease.

As the Cats prepare to play to keep their season alive against Collingwood this weekend, Jordan has detailed the devastating impact of their year from hell in remarkably positive fashion.

She opened up in a lengthy post on Instagram to pass on the lessons she’s learned and say thank you to the football and wider community for their support.

“I’ve been wanting to post this for a long time. Honestly, life has felt so full-on for me (and us all) that I just haven’t had an opportunity, or sometimes the strength, to put something together to share with you,” Jordan wrote.
“As we can all agree, this year has been so difficult for all of us in many and unique ways. For me personally, watching my mum live her final months at home under Stage 3 and then 4 Covid restrictions, preventing her from those ‘lasts’ with those she loved was really sad.

“Receiving a diagnosis for our son — who, in our eyes, is still so perfect in every way — but knowing that each day will present its challenges and that the future is so unclear and something we simply can’t prepare for (but then again, who can?).

“Then to go on and lose mum (my greatest encourager) is something that will always hurt. Words simply can’t express what I feel each day as I navigate these unique and difficult circumstances. But in all of this, I find there are still so many things to be grateful for.

“Although I’m not thankful for Covid itself in any way, I’m thankful that because Covid forced us all to slow down and focus on the essentials, we were able to care for mum at home; spending every day with her and creating special lifelong memories together.

“I’m also thankful that she didn’t a) get the virus or b) go into hospital to pass away alone. Instead she was surrounded by her three daughters holding her hand and telling her that we loved her so much.

Jordan Ablett's late mother, Trudy, and her son, Levi.
Jordan Ablett's late mother, Trudy, and her son, Levi.

“I’m so thankful that Levi finally received a diagnosis that would then propel him in the right direction to commence the appropriate treatment that we pray and hope will change his prognosis. I’m thankful that Levi has been surrounded by the incredible and fully-equipped medical professionals to care for him.

“Mothering Levi has given me such a great insight into families who are in the same position with their own children. I know first-hand how challenging it is and how it is a completely different parenting experience, though still so rewarding. How privileged we are to be entrusted with such a precious responsibility, caring for these little humans who need us and who we love so deeply and fiercely.

“I’m also incredibly thankful for each of you. Since Gary and I shared with you that Levi had been diagnosed with an extremely rare and degenerative disease we have been overwhelmed by the support that you’ve shown to our family. So many of you have shared stories with us both publicly and privately of your own experiences and circumstances, which have provided us with great strength and encouragement.

“Thank you for entrusting us with your personal information and for being so real with us. We wouldn’t want it any other way. There are just as many of you that also reached out showing your support for the loss of mum, and again, I have felt your love from afar and have read all of your encouraging messages and personal reflections. I want you to know that I plan to get back to you all eventually. Thank you again so much!”

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