
Go part-time vegan and get healthy

VEGANISM is gathering credibility among medical circles as one of the soundest diets out there.


VEGANISM is gathering credibility among medical circles as one of the soundest diets out there.

But don't fret, you don't have to give up those juicy steaks in order to reap the benefits.

Looking for a way to lose weight and boost your health while still satisfying your passion for food? Become a part-time vegan. That's right - eat more greens, less meat and less processed junk. Oh, and cheat a little, best-selling author Mark Bittman says in his new book VB6: Eat Vegan Before 6:00 (Sphere).

Six years ago Bittman's doctor delivered bad news. Despite being a keen runner for almost 40 years, decades of indulgent eating (Bittman is a food writer for The New York Times) had taken their toll. He was pre-diabetic, almost 20kg overweight, had high cholesterol and suffered from sleep apnoea. Instead of prescribing drugs though, the doctor said six words that would change Bittman's life: "You should probably become a vegan."

It made sense, Bittman realised. "It's become clear, as much as none of us want to hear it, that the most sensible diet for human health and longevity is one that's lower in animal products and junk food and higher in vegetables, fruits, pulses and minimally processed grains," he explains.

But giving up pizza, bacon and burgers? Feeling like a pariah when eating out with friends? That wasn't a realistic option for a man who cooks and eats for a living.

So Bittman came up with a part-time plan - a way to make lifelong changes to how he ate without feeling deprived. He'd become a vegan and eliminate junk food during the day, then eat whatever he wanted after 6pm. And it worked. Within two months, his blood sugar and cholesterol were within normal limits, he was sleeping peacefully and he'd lost more than 16kg.


Of course, short-term results are easy. But six years on, Bittman is still reaping the benefits. After a few months of his new rules, he was naturally eating more healthily after 6pm and says his "flexitarian" diet is now a part of everyday life. And that's the secret, he says - most of us know what we need to do to eat more nutritiously, but sticking to it is the hardest part.

"Anyone can say (and many people do), 'Eat sensibly, don't overeat, increase your consumption of fruits and vegetables, eat less junk,'" Bittman writes in his book. "If it were that easy, there'd be no need for diets."

The VB6 plan, he explains, gives you structure without deprivation. It's based on six main principles:

* Eat fruit and veg in abundance

* Eat fewer animal products

* Eat (almost) no junk food

* Cook at home as much as possible

* Consider quality over quantity

* See your weight as just one component of good health.

Although he devotes several chapters to examining the latest thinking on fat, protein, carbs, sugar, salt and calories, and why most diets don't work, he happily admits there's no science behind using 6pm as a cut-off. The hour itself doesn't matter much.

"The science tells us to eat more plants and less of everything else. VB6 is a strategy to get that done. If you think VB6 is too tough (which it isn't), I'd say either do VB6 three or four days a week or figure out some other way to make plants more prominent in your diet," he tells body+soul, adding that what matters is moving in a more plant-based direction.


Professor Peter Clifton, a nutritional expert at Melbourne's Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Institute, says many Australians are already further along that healthy spectrum than the average American.

"VB6 is pretty much what many Australians do, aside from the milk on our cereal and maybe a bit of ham with lunch. We don't eat a lot of animal products during the day anyway," Clifton adds.

"But although the quality of the diet is better here in Australia, we overeat. Obesity and being overweight is a problem in this country. You can't just focus on quality. The critical thing is being aware of what you put in your mouth. If you eat too much of anything you'll get fat."

Clifton says that anyone contemplating doing VB6 need not worry about getting enough protein. "Most of us already get twice what we need, so we can safely reduce that."

But associate professor Sebely Pal, of Curtin University's school of public health, gives a word of caution about calcium. "It's difficult to get your daily calcium requirements all in one meal after 6pm,'' she says. "A vegan diet needs to be carefully planned."


Bittman says adopting a VB6-style eating plan, with a variety of minimally processed foods and less meat, not only gives you all the nutrients you need and brings about real change in how you feel, but it's also better for the planet.

"There's so much wrong with the way we produce meat in industrialised countries," he explains. "I'm not saying we

should change our eating habits out of guilt, but because it's the right thing to do. The best solution is to eat less meat but better meat; spend the same amount of money you've been spending on meat, but use it to buy from a source you trust. And by that I don't necessarily mean organic or local, just 'principled'."

VB6 also forgives mistakes.

"You can give in to cravings once in a while - go out for a wildly decadent dinner, take a week off on holiday," Bittman writes. "As long as you find your way back."


Think you can't go vegan before sundown? Here are Bittman's tips on how to make it work.

Breakfast: Porridge with fruit and non-dairy milk, a vegan smoothie or scrambled tofu. If you usually drink juice, go for whole fresh fruit instead. And drink lots of water in the morning, since most of us wake up dehydrated. If eating at a cafe, look for bread-based vegan options on the menu, such as avocado on toast or a breakfast bruschetta.

Snacks: Staying satisfied between meals is a big part of why VB6 works. Go for fruit, nuts and seeds, salads, edamame, chopped vegetables, pickled cucumbers or vegetable spread and tea.

Lunch: Soup (see recipe, right), sandwiches or a combination of beans and vegetables. If you're eating out, you can often find vegan options in the sides and salads section. If it's a set menu, re-think tonight's dinner.

Dinner: If you're eating out, have whatever you want, but in moderation. Ordering family-style and passing things around is a great way to load up on vegetables and keep an eye on your meat portions. Sharing a dessert will ensure you don't scoff down as much. If you're entertaining at home, cook more vegies and salads, and less meat or fish.

Late night: The hours before bed can sabotage the entire day. If you eat early and get hungry later, try a small handful of frozen fruit whizzed in a food processor to make instant sorbet, or a small serving of (plain) popcorn.

This is an edited extract from VB6: Eat Vegan Before 6:00, by Mark Bittman (Sphere, $29.99)

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