Victoria police say dozens arrested in crackdown on alleged gangs
Dozens of youths allegedly tied to some of Melbourne’s most dangerous street gangs have been arrested in a police crackdown.
Dozens of youths allegedly linked to street gangs were arrested and deadly weapons were seized as a part of a major crackdown in Melbourne.
The operation across Melbourne’s northwest saw 54 people arrested for robbery, weapons possession, burglary, car theft and evading police.
Of those arrested 24 people were aged under 25 and were allegedly linked to street gangs, police said.
Over the four-day long action named Operation Alliance a brawl was disrupted and weapons including two large hunting knives were seized.
The planned fight was expected in Brimbank last Friday when police swarmed the location, surrounding roads, public transport hubs and parks to prevent the brawl.
Three males were arrested inside a car at Brookfield and uncovered was two large hunting knives, a taser and suspected drugs.
A 19-year-old from Kurunjang was charged with possessing prohibited weapon, possessing controlled weapon, and possessing drug of dependence and will face court later this year.
Two knives were seized at Sunshine train station when police carried out a weapons search, and 15 people were arrested.
Acting Superintendent Shane Brundell said police are arresting the alleged “worst young offenders” swiftly with Brimbank and Melton facing less serious offending.
“In part to the proactive approach we are taking to swiftly arrest our worst young offenders and ensuring those on bail are where they’re meant to be and abiding by conditions such as curfews,” he said.
The approach to youth crime needs to be balanced to break the cycle of reoffending long term, Superintendent Brundell said.
“That is why we are also engaging at the earliest opportunity with those on the fringes of youth gangs, such as the younger siblings of gang members, to ensure their lives aren’t set off course by being dragged into serious and violent crime.”