
Rapist Wei Feng attacked women and claimed it was a ‘conspiracy’

A man found guilty of raping sex workers has refused to apologise and claims he is the victim of a “conspiracy”.

What happens after a sexual assault?

A man found guilty of horrifying attacks on sex workers and who snatched a woman as she walked aired bizarre claims in court that he was the victim of a conspiracy.

Wei Feng has been found guilty of multiple counts of rape, sexual assault, false imprisonment and causing reckless injury against four victims after a trial in the County Court of Victoria.

The 50-year-old appeared in front of Judge Frank Gucciardo for a pre-sentence hearing on Monday and ranted about his treatment in prison and claimed he was the victim of a conspiracy.

“It’s a conspiracy, it’s a plot … it’s police corruption like Lawyer X,” the man yelled in court.

The rant came after the judge asked whether he had any explanation about why he committed the offences and if he was remorseful.

Feng attacked multiple sex workers who were working in the St Kilda area. Picture: Supplied
Feng attacked multiple sex workers who were working in the St Kilda area. Picture: Supplied

Instead, he denied he was behind the shocking attacks.

“I’ve been convicted but it doesn’t mean I’m a rapist. I know, God knows,” he said.

Prosecutor Jo Piggott said Feng targeted sex workers who are among the most vulnerable women in the community.

“(He) treated them as pieces of trash, and I say that not lightly,” she told the court.

Feng degraded, humiliated, swore and abused the women during the shocking ordeals he subjected them to, she said.

One woman – who was not a sex worker – was attacked at Sunshine as she waited for a lift in 2017.

“It’s every woman’s worst nightmare,” Ms Piggott told the court.

She was dragged into Feng’s car, driven to a secluded area where she was strangled, slapped, raped and ordered to “do what she was told”.

Two passers-by found the victim “on the ground screaming for help”.

It was a “gratuitous and violent sexual assault”, Judge Gucciardo said.

Other victims were vulnerable sex workers whom Feng targeted while cruising around St Kilda and he treated them with “utter contempt,” the prosecutor said.

One sex worker was dragged alongside Feng’s car and broke her stilettos after he handcuffed her to the vehicle in a terrifying incident. Picture: Supplied
One sex worker was dragged alongside Feng’s car and broke her stilettos after he handcuffed her to the vehicle in a terrifying incident. Picture: Supplied

The court was told one sex worker was handcuffed and dragged alongside his car along Greeves and Carlisle streets in 2016.

Her stilettos snapped as she was dragged along the car and Feng screamed abuse at her after she refused to perform sexual services without a condom, according to court documents.

Feng’s lawyer told the court the only mitigating factor was delay and he conceded a significant jail sentence was warranted.

During the hearing the man asked the judge read a 56-page letter.

He will be sentenced in June.

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