Paul Pham murdered his friend Dianne Chi because he didn’t want to ‘die alone’
A MAN who brutally killed his friend before committing suicide left a chilling note on his computer about why he did it.
A BIZARRE suicide note has emerged surrounding the gruesome murder of Dianne Chi.
The 23-year-old met a friend for lunch last year but never returned. She was found murdered in the boot of a car, cloaked with a black jacket and her own blood, about 160 kilometres out of Melbourne.
Nobody was charged for her murder as her killer, Paul Pham, 24, laid dead in the back seat of the car after committing suicide.
Beside him were mobile phones and a receipt from Bunnings, where he bought a screwdriver and tube that were used in the horrific murder-suicide.
A coroner’s investigation into the murder exposed details of what happened after the bodies were found and why Mr Pham stripped Ms Chi of her future.
On Mr Pham’s mobile phone, he saved an image as the screen saver that told police he had a suicide note on his computer and revealed his password.
Police then seized the computer drive and used Mr Pham’s password to access it.
On the desktop was a file and an electronic post-it note that said “open this”.
What police found was a five-page letter to his family about why he murdered Ms Chi, 23, before killing himself.
The Coroners Court of Victoria revealed Mr Pham had written the suicide note over time and said he hated his life, had been depressed and felt that his parents had not allowed him freedom.
He was down about his academic success and the fact he could not find a job in 2013.
He talked about his studies in 2014 in business and he dreamt of being a successful businessman who took over a company from “an ideal victim”, somebody who inherited money, so they could fall from their success and see what it’s like being poor.
Mr Pham went on to say why he killed Ms Chi and it was all because he didn’t want to die alone.
He didn’t want to “die with just anybody” and thought Ms Chi was a beautiful person and enjoyed spending time with her.
The note suggests Mr Pham had feelings for the young woman but could not tell her.
Ms Chi and Mr Pham were not in an intimate relationship, they just spent time together as friends.
They had known each other just over a year before they died and Ms Chi’s mother had met the man a few times.
He was a “normal” guy, a little bit quiet and enjoyed playing video games, but there was nothing about him that seemed suspicious.
He spent a lot of time with Ms Chi, who was described as well-behaved and studious. She was punctual and cared for her family. She completed tertiary studies in hospitality and design and worked as a clothes designer at the family business.
Ms Chi and Mr Pham sent five text messages to each other between February 19 and February 24, 2015, and made plans to have lunch at Chadstone Shopping Centre on February 25.
They were short but friendly messages, and Mr Pham said he would pick her up from work at midday on the day they arranged.
On February 25 he picked her up about 12.30pm and it was the last time Ms Chi’s parents ever saw their daughter.
It was out of character for Ms Chi to not honour commitments she made to her family and instead turn off her phone.
After going for lunch with Mr Pham, she was supposed to return home by 5pm to take her mother to a medical appointment. Her family also planned to go out for dinner later that evening.
Worry and panic began to set in for the family about 6pm when they could not get through to her. Her phone was switched off about 8pm.
They tried to call one of her friends but he didn’t know any information.
Ms Chi never came home that night and didn’t turn up to her second job at Galactic Circus at Crown Casino the next day.
Ms Chi’s father did not notice anything unusual when the pair left to go for lunch. He reported his daughter missing to police about 11pm on February 25.
On February 28, 2015, joggers on the Birregurra-Forrest Road, just north of Forrest, came across Mr Pham’s blue car.
Mr Pham was dead in the back seat but Ms Chi was not found until police arrived on the scene.
Police forced open the boot and found Ms Chi’s body, covered in a black jacket and her own blood. She had been stabbed in the abdomen and died from blood loss.
Lacerations were also discovered on her scalp and she had a mark on her neck that is believed to have been caused by Ms Chi’s clothing.
By looking at cell tower co-orindates, it was found Mr Pham did drive through the city to the Chadstone area after picking Ms Chi up from work.
At 8.25pm, Mr Pham’s mobile phone communicated with cell towers near Torquay and in Barwon Downs, near where the bodies were found.
There were also some receipts found in the car next to Mr Pham. One was for Bunnings and listed was equipment used in the murder-suicide and another was for Liquorland at Waurn Ponds Shopping Centre.
He bought some Vodka Cruisers about 10am on February 26 and was seen on CCTV footage attending the store. There was no sign of Ms Chi.
The coroner found Mr Pham did not tell anybody about his homicidal and suicidal feelings.
He did not seek medical help and Ms Chi’s death was a “tragic result of this choice”.
If you or someone you know needs help, phone Lifeline’s 24-hour telephone crisis line 13 11 14 or Suicide Call Back Service 1300 659 467.