Home and Away catfish Lydia Abdelmalek lies exposed unseen police tape
A catfish who tormented victims for years using the identity of a Home and Away star revealed telling clues when police grilled her about her involvement.
Cruel messages, vile threats and intimate photos were used to torment women who were lured into a fake online romance with an Aussie soap star.
Lydia Abdelmalek launched her cruel plot to “catfish” victims a decade ago and her merciless stalking campaign would have devastating consequences.
One victim would end up taking her life.
She used the persona of Aussie heartthrob Lincoln Lewis and British soap star Danny Mac to start relationships and then stalk women.
Along the way she created a “cast of characters” to continue the scheme.
The 32-year-old is finally behind bars after she lost her appeal for six stalking charges in the County Court of Victoria on Thursday.
Throughout the lengthy court battle she denied she was the catfish behind the shocking crimes.
“You are a liar,” Crown Prosecutor Angela Moran said during the appeal.
“You are a fantasist.
Ms Abdelmalek replied “I’m not”.
But body language expert Dr Louise Mahler said there were clear clues she was lying when police questioned her.
How she was sitting, what her hands were doing and how she spoke to police were among the key indicators, Dr Mahler told NCA NewsWire.
“She sits like this, like ‘come at me’,” Dr Mahler said demonstrating the position.
Her body’s position during the interview was “defensive” and she wasn’t curious about the questions she was asked.
“It’s more like it’s a game,” the expert said of her behaviour.
At one point during the interview Abdelmalek covered her mouth completely which was considered a sign of lying or wanting to stop communication.
She also put her fingers in her nose which Dr Mahler said was one of the “weirdest things” she’d ever seen.
“That’s just a total unconscious blockage of airflow from the body which means ‘I don’t want to be speaking’.”
Her impression was that Abdelmalek appeared to be a “confident liar” who was calculated and wanted to be tested.
When Judge Claire Quin handed down her decision on Thursday she rejected the catfisher’s version of events.
Abdelmalek’s evidence was “confusing, inconsistent and deliberately evasive” when she was challenged, the judge said in her ruling.
“Her account does not make sense,” Judge Quin said.
The verdict handed down this past week was a relief to her victims who hugged and cried when the judge read it out.
When guards led Abdelmalek to the cells one waved her farewell.
Outside court one of the victims thanked Victoria Police and prosecutors for their tireless efforts in the case.
“Now it’s off the streets and hopefully off the keyboard and can’t ruin anyone else’s life,” she said.
She was taking things day by day because of the ordeal.
“My life's been on hold for nearly 10 years so I'm not quite sure how that's going to look, but it's looking a lot better at the moment,” she said.
She and the other victims were forced to relive the experience and torment they suffered at the hands of the catfisher in court.
The stalking campaign against one woman was “relentless” and she got up to 60 calls and messages per day, the court was told.
She would take her own life in 2018.
Her sister said it turned into a “twisted and cruel barrage of messages” and they initially believed more than one person was behind it because of the scale.
“I honestly thought these people … were capable of absolutely destroying my life and my sister's life and that of my parents and that would be the ultimate price to pay.”
At one point the catfish even staged a kidnapping, but it was another lie.
In an odd moment of the hearing a kilogram of chocolate that was a decade old was tendered as an exhibit to the court from the defence.
Another woman who believed she was in a relationship with Lincoln Lewis discovered it was a lie when the real actor was spotted on a flight.
“I realised it, it was just a fruit loop pretending to be Lincoln Lewis,” the woman – who cannot be identified – told the court.
She confronted the fraudster who concocted another elaborate ruse and claimed to really be “Michael Jason Smith”. But the catfish then claimed their real name was “Danny Mac” – a British actor – who used the other name to avoid issues from an ex.
In a bid to find out who was behind the terrifying scheme the woman recorded conversations and with the help of police devised a plan to catch whoever was behind the plot.
She asked them to transfer $200 to fix a broken phone screen in 2013.
The cash was deposited into her account from a bank in Melbourne and when police checked footage it revealed the person’s identity.
It was Abdelmalek.
But she took to the stand in her own defence during the appeal and told the judge she was also duped and fell for the fake Lincoln Lewis.
The wannabe actor explained she transferred $200 into one of her alleged victim’s bank accounts in late 2013 after she offered to pay Mr Lewis for his acting advice.
She once wanted to be on Home and Away herself, she had told police.
“He gave me a bank account and he said that he didn’t want the money but there was somebody that he knew that was a single mum that was struggling and to put the money in that account,” Ms Abdelmalek said on the stand.
The woman who received the cash realised the person behind the shocking campaign wasn’t a man when police in Victoria asked her to listen to Abdelmalek’s acting reel.
“I will remember till the day I die, because that’s the moment the penny dropped and I realised that it had been a female the whole time,” the woman said.
The real actor and son of NRL legend Wally Lewis was also forced to take to the stand to explain how a “panicked” call from one of the women alerted him to the catfisher.
She asked if they had been dating for the last couple of months.
“No – what are you talking about,” was his response.
The celebrity was asked to identify dozens of images including one supposedly of his licence.
“It’s obviously my face, but that’s not a face I’ve ever had on any driver’s licence. What should be a signature is actually my autograph,” he told the court.
Despite the wealth of material including photos, text messages and screenshots found on devices in Abdelmalek’s position she claimed it was the work of someone else.
The judge labelled the offending as “extremely bizarre”.
The father of the woman who took her life said there was “no let up” to the stalking and threats his daughter experienced.
“If not for the stalking, my daughter would still be here. You know, so we were robbed – the stalking robbed us of our beautiful daughter,” the emotional father said.
The matter will return to court in June for sentencing arguments.