
Casey Tennent had ‘deviant’ sexual urges before he attempted to rape a pregnant woman

A MELBOURNE man who tackled a heavily pregnant woman off her bike and tried to rape her had “deviant” sexual urges in the lead-up to the attack.

Casey Tennent had ‘deviant urges’, a court heard.
Casey Tennent had ‘deviant urges’, a court heard.

A MELBOURNE man who tackled a heavily pregnant woman off her bike and tried to rape her had “deviant” sexual urges in the lead-up to the attack.

Casey Tennent was addicted to online pornography and had been drinking heavily when he came across his victim earlier this year.

The 21-year-old later said he “couldn’t help it” and rambled: “I imagined doing it and then dreamt about it, and then did it tonight”.

He will be jailed after admitting to the terrifying attack, the Victorian County Court heard on Monday.

Tennent’s victim, in her third trimester, was riding her bike home from work at night when he tackled her off the path and into bushes.

She struggled and screamed for help, but he was too strong and told her “shhh” as he pushed his arm against her throat.

Tennent also pushed on her stomach, despite her telling him she was pregnant.

“When he was pushing down on her stomach, she thought he was trying to kill her baby,” crown prosecutor Nahrain Warda said.

Tennent’s attack was thwarted when a passer-by heard the screaming.

The man chased Tennent with some others who came to help, restraining him before authorities arrived.

Tennent later said he hoped the men would kill him because he felt that was what he deserved, defence barrister John McLoughlin said.

The court heard Tennent was addicted to online pornography and had violent dreams in the months leading up to the offence.

Forensic psychologist Dion Gee, who has diagnosed the 21-year-old with major depressive and borderline personality disorders, said Tennent wrongly believed watching “deviant” pornography would quell his urges.

Tennent started smoking cannabis at a young age and used “escape strategies” such as drugs, alcohol and porn in a bid to cope with dysfunction that had stemmed from a problematic childhood, the court heard.

He has written two letters of apology, which will be given to the victim.

She believed she was going to die that night and now never feels safe, leading to a loss of independence.

“This is no way to live your life, in fear that something may happen,” the victim said in a statement.

It’s not known for sure whether her baby suffered any trauma in the assault, the court heard.

Tennent, who has no prior convictions, has pleaded guilty to one count of assault with intent to commit a sexual offence and one count of unlawful assault, after he punched the passer-by who stopped him.

He will be sentenced on Friday next week by Judge Barbara Cotterell, who has flagged a plan to jail Tennent and hand him a community-based order to start on his release.

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