Tony Abbott pressed on ‘saying stupid things’ in radio interview
ABC radio host was only saying what many were thinking when he skewered the Prime Minister with this withering question.
TONY Abbott’s credibility on anti-bullying has been questioned in the wake of his latest Nazi jibe in parliament.
The Prime Minister on Thursday withdrew and apologised for labelling Opposition Leader Bill Shorten the “Dr Goebbels of economic policy”, likening him to the Nazi minister for propaganda.
It came weeks after he used “holocaust” to describe job losses. Mr Abbott acknowledged his latest remark was over the top.
“All of us from time to time in the heat of debate, and you know how heated the parliament can get, sometimes go too far,” he told ABC radio on Friday.
On the national day of action against bullying and violence, Mr Abbott was asked about his credibility on the issue.
“You’ve been accused of it so often yourself,” presenter Jon Faine told the Prime Minister.
That was without foundation, Mr Abbott responded.
“Obviously when I feel strongly about things I argue strongly for them,” he said.
Mr Abbott lamented that Australia was becoming “somewhat querulous” when it could benefit from being more fair-minded. “If we counted our blessings a little more, saw ourselves more in the way the rest of the world sees us we might have a better public conversation.”
Earlier in the interview, Faine asked the Prime Minister to justify why, as a Rhodes scholar, he keeps on saying “stupid things”.
“Mr Abbott, for a Rhodes scholar, how come you say so many stupid things?” he asked.
“’Lifestyle choices’ has enraged aboriginals community leaders, and yesterday bringing Goebbels into the parliament, not apologising I notice, but withdrawing.”
Mr Abbott responded saying he did apologise with “no hesitation”, and accepted it was “an over-the-top remark”.
“But why do have foot in mouth disease,” what’s going on?” Faine pressed.
“All of us from time to time in the heat of debate, and you now how heated the Parliament can get, sometimes can go too far,” Mr Abbott said.