
Tony Abbott encounters Vladimir Putin in awkward ‘family photo’ at APEC Summit 2014

TONY Abbott and Vladimir Putin weren’t the only ones to have an awkward encounter at APEC. This guy really wasn’t happy to see his counterpart.

China and Japan in ice-breaker talks

AUSTRALIAN Prime Minister Tony Abbott has experienced his first awkward encounter with Russian President Vladimir Putin in the most awkward of circumstances.

As world leaders gathered in Beijing in traditional Chinese dress for APEC’s “family photo”, Mr Abbott was placed precariously close to Mr Putin.

It is the first time the two leaders have been in close contact since the downing of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 in Ukraine, which killed 38 Australians.

Mr Abbott had previously been denied a face-to-face meeting with Mr Putin, however it is understood the two men have spoken in private over the disaster.

The PM reportedly raised MH17 over dinner last night, and the two are expected to speak again later today, according to SBS.

It is not yet known how Mr Putin responded to the issue.




All smiles on the outside: Prime Minister Tony Abbott with APEC Leaders including Russian President Vladimir Putin. Picture: Andrew Meares
All smiles on the outside: Prime Minister Tony Abbott with APEC Leaders including Russian President Vladimir Putin. Picture: Andrew Meares
Snubbed. Picture: Mandel Ngan
Snubbed. Picture: Mandel Ngan
No love lost? Picture: Andrew Meares
No love lost? Picture: Andrew Meares
The leaders were all smiles for the photo opp. Picture: Andrew Meares
The leaders were all smiles for the photo opp. Picture: Andrew Meares

According to journalists at the event, Putin walked away chatting with Chinese President Xi Jinping after the picture, leaving Mr Abbott in his wake.

Sadly, there was no shirt-front, but there were a heck of a lot of Star Trek references.

World leader’s dressed in traditional Chinese garb, but as always at the family snap, the Fashion Police were in full force.

Last month, Mr Abbott promised to “shirt-front” Mr Putin when he visits Australia for the G20 summit at the end of the week.

The comments came off the back of the frustratingly slow investigation into the downed Malaysia Airlines flight.

And while we’re not at the G20 quite yet, Abbott vowed to have a “very robust conversation” with the Russian president at the APEC summit to ensure Mr Putin is doing everything in his power to assist in the investigation.

Since then, the pair’s relationship has been tense, to say the least.

However, Opposition Leader Bill Shorten said Tony Abbott appeared to “be singing a different tune” after his previous “tough talk”.

“Families who lost their loved ones on MH17 deserve answers,” he said.

“I don’t think families ever wanted Abbott to threaten shirt-front Putin; they just wanted their Government to be doing everything it can to get all the information it can from the Russians.”

But it seems the Abbott/Putin encounter wasn’t the only awkward moment that attracted the world’s attention.

Putin also attracted the Chinese media’s attention after putting a coat around the shoulders of China’s first lady Peng Liyuan, who he was seated next to.

China’s First Lady accepted the offer with a smile, but quickly handed it to an attendant, Foreign Policy reported.

The move sparked a hashtag Putin Gives Peng Liyuan His Coat, on Chinese social media site Weibo.

Vladimir Putin helps the Chinese First Lady keep warm.
Vladimir Putin helps the Chinese First Lady keep warm.
The First Lady smiles before giving the coat to an attendant.
The First Lady smiles before giving the coat to an attendant.

As awkward as it may have been for the First Lady, things were even more so for her president husband.

China’s Xi Jinping and Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe were snapped in what could possibly be the world’s most awkward handshake.

The leaders of Asia’s powerhouse economies came face-to-face on the sidelines of the summit, but neither man looked very happy about it.

China’s President Xi Jinping (right) shakes hands with Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe at the Great Hall of the People on the sidelines of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Summit in Beijing.
China’s President Xi Jinping (right) shakes hands with Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe at the Great Hall of the People on the sidelines of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Summit in Beijing.

Their apparent icy relations come as no surprise given the two nations have been engulfed in a territorial dispute over islands in the East China Sea.

The pair’s encounter represent the first formal talks in more than two years, the BBC reported.

Brunei, Malaysia, the Philippines and Vietnam — claim parts of the South China Sea, which China claims in nearly its entirety, citing what it calls historic rights, AFP reported.

Nope, not awkward at all.
Nope, not awkward at all.
China and Japan in ice-breaker talks

The South China Sea straddles vital shipping lanes, and some of the disputed islets and shoals are believed to sit atop vast energy deposits.

China is also in dispute with Japan over islands in the East Sea, which Tokyo calls Senkaku and Beijing refers to as Diaoyu.

Last year, China declared an air defence identification zone in the East Sea, including over the outcrops, which are under Japan’s administration.

In June, the Japanese leader said his county would play a more proactive role in Asian security, including providing additional vessels to the Philappines.

It’s no wonder then they two men’s body language indicated there was little warmth between them, and boy did the world notice.

APEC kicks off a week of high-level summitry that will see Obama and other top leaders travel next to Myanmar for the East Asia Summit, followed by G20 talks in Brisbane, Australia.

China is hosting APEC for the first time since 2001, when it was still re-emerging as a world economic power.

But in a speech Sunday, Xi underlined how much has changed by offering his vision of an “Asia-Pacific dream”, in which China’s continued rise offers “infinite promise” to all.

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