Tasmanian Greens call for logging ban along Wielangta Rd route
THE Greens have logged their views on plans to upgrade Wielangta Rd as a more tourist-friendly route between the East Coast and the Tasman Peninsula.
IF the State Government wants more tourists to use the road linking the East Coast and the Tasman Peninsula, it should rule out logging in Wielangta forest, the Greens say.
As reported by the Mercury today, the Government has taken the first steps to improve Wielangta Rd in a bid to provide a better link between the state’s East Coast and tourism attractions, including Port Arthur on the Tasman Peninsula.
Tenders have been advertised for four new bridges along the 15km stretch of road that travels through vast forests between Orford and Copping. The bridge repairs are expected to start early next year followed by road resurfacing.
Premier Will Hodgman said Wielangta Rd had the potential to be developed into an iconic destination for visitors.
Greens leader Cassy O’Connor welcomed news of the upgrades, but said it should be followed by a commitment not to log in the area.
Liberals Can't Have it Both Ways on Wielangta - https://t.co/jLT2CflsH1 @CassyOConnorMP #politas
â Tasmanian Greens (@TasmanianGreens) November 10, 2016
“The Tasmanian Greens look forward to the Liberals ruling out logging in the Wielangta forest as they have with the Tasman forests near the Three Capes Walk,” Ms O’Connor said.
“The Wielangta forests, which were set aside to become reserves under the Tasmanian Forest Agreement, are part of the 357,000ha the Liberals want opened up to logging.
“The Liberals need to understand they can’t have it both ways. Tourists won’t want to travel through clearfelled coupes, sharing the road with log trucks. They will want to drive though the mighty tall trees of Wielangta and enjoy a rare forest experience.”
Originally published as Tasmanian Greens call for logging ban along Wielangta Rd route