Nursing union launches legal action against top SA hospital over staffing issues
One of South Australia’s major hospitals has been taken to the Employment Tribunal over staffing concerns.
The nurses’ union is taking legal action against one of South Australia's major hospitals over “systemic” staffing concerns.
The SA branch of the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (ANMF) this week filed an application in the South Australian Employment Tribunal against the Women’s and Children’s Hospital.
The union’s chief Elizabeth Dabars said “dangerous conditions” had been created for staff and patients as a result of longstanding and systemic issues with emergency department staffing, reported by nurses and midwives.
She said members had been unable to adequately address these issues with management and the union had “no option” but to seek the intervention.
“This move is a crucial next step in the right direction and a direct reflection of the advocacy skills of WCH nurses and midwives seeking positive change for their working conditions and most importantly the safety of paediatric patients,” Professor Dabars said.
The ANMF is seeking orders to remedy and restrain alleged contraventions of the enterprise agreement.
Some of the alleged breaches include not meeting the base staffing requirement of one nurse to three patients and not maintaining a mental health nurse on every shift.
SA Industrial Relations Minister Rob Lucas said the Women’s and Childrens Hospital did not accept the claims made in the union’s statement.
:When staffing issues were raised in March, this year, I am advised following discussions between WCH management and the ANMF there has been an increase in nursing staff at the WCH,” Mr Lucas said.
“Given the matter is subject to an application before the SA Employment Tribunal, these issues will need to be resolved in that particular forum.”