
Scott Morrison considers massive policy shift on Israel

PRIME Minister Scott Morrison announced a risky move this week, despite advice warning him it could provoke violence.

Scott Morrison considers moving Australia’s embassy in Tel Aviv to Jerusalem

PRIME Minister Scott Morrison announced he would consider moving Autralia’s embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem despite a warning from ASIO that it could provoke unrest and violence.

The bulletin from Australia’s spy agency, marked secret, has been obtained by The Guardian. It is dated October 15 - the day before Mr Morrison’s press conference.

“We expect any announcement on the possible relocation of the Australian embassy to Jerusalem or consideration of voting against the Palestinians within the United Nations may provoke protest, unrest and possibly some violence in Gaza and the West Bank,” it said.

ASIO said it believed there would be protests, albeit non-violent ones, in Australia as well.

It issued a similar warning about the government potentially withdrawing from the Iran nuclear deal. On the same day as his Israel announcement, Mr Morrison said Australia would “review without prejudice” the agreement, which is supposed to ensure Iran does not develop nuclear weapons.

The review will investigate Iran’s compliance with the deal. US President Donald Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu both believe it is ineffective.

PM Scott Morrison and Foreign Affairs Minister Marise Payne speaking on Tuesday. Pic: Kym Smith
PM Scott Morrison and Foreign Affairs Minister Marise Payne speaking on Tuesday. Pic: Kym Smith

The ownership of Jerusalem is a particularly controversial issue in the Middle East. Both the Israelis and Palestinians claim it as their own, and its final status has long been one of the major obstacles in negotiations for a two-state solution.

If Australia were to move its embassy, it would be following the lead of US President Donald Trump, who did the same thing earlier this year. Mr Trump’s decision led to mass protests in Gaza, in which Israeli forces killed 58 Palestinians.

Speaking on Tuesday morning, Mr Morrison re-emphasised Australia’s commitment to peace in the region, saying “nothing has changed” in that regard, but said the current approach had failed and it might be time to try something different.

“We are committed a two-state solution, but frankly, it hasn’t been going that well. Not a lot of progress has been made. And you don’t keep doing the same thing and expect different solutions,” he said.

Mr Morrison credited the Liberal Party’s Wentworth by-election candidate Dave Sharma with raising the issue. Mr Sharma is a former ambassador to Israel.

The timing was interesting to say the least, given the by-election was just days away — and it just so happens a large proportion of voters in the seat are Jewish.

“When sensible suggestions are put forward that are consistent with your policy and in this case, pursuing a two-state solution, Australia should be open-minded to this and I am open-minded to this,” Mr Morrison said.

“I’m not going to close my mind off to things that can actually be done better and differently.”

Mr Morrison said considering the acknowledgement of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital would not necessary impact the two-state solution.

“You can achieve both,” he said. “Indeed by pursuing both you are actually aiding the cause for a two-state solution.”

RELATED: The reason behind Morrison’s shift

However, the Prime Minister said “no decision has been made” and he would consult with his cabinet colleagues and fellow world leaders to gauge their opinions on the matter.

PM Scott Morrison. Pic: Kym Smith
PM Scott Morrison. Pic: Kym Smith

Mr Morrison’s announcement marked a significant shift in the government’s stance.

Previously, former prime minister Malcolm Turnbull and his foreign minister Julie Bishop both categorically ruled out moving Australia’s embassy, shooting down suggestions from Tony Abbott.

“We have taken the view, as indeed most countries have, that it’s more conducive to the peace process to keep the embassy in Tel Aviv. Obviously, the status of Jerusalem and negotiations relating to Jerusalem are a key part of the peace negotiations, which we wish the very best for and we support,” Mr Turnbull said in May.

“The Australian government will not be moving our embassy to Jerusalem,” Ms Bishop said in June. “Jerusalem is a final status issue and we have maintained that position for decades.”

Mr Sharma was asked about the idea during a forum at the Bondi Surf Bathers Life Saving Club earlier this week.

“I think we should be open to considering it (moving the embassy) as Australians. The United States has done it,” Mr Sharma said, though he stressed Australia did “need to look at it in the context of a two-state solution”.

He has flagged the issue before, most notably in an article he wrote for The Australian in May after Mr Trump decided to move America’s embassy.

“It makes no sense to deny the centuries of history that link the Jewish people to Jerusalem,” he wrote.

“It also makes little sense to pretend the western part of Jerusalem is not sovereign Israeli territory. Israel’s Knesset (parliament), Supreme Court, the official residences of its prime minister and president and many other state institutions lie within it.

“Foreign dignitaries, including Malcolm Turnbull and Foreign Minister Julie Bishop (who were still in their jobs at the time), base themselves at west Jerusalem’s King of David Hotel during official visits. As an ambassador, I would travel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem several times a week to meet ministers and officials.”

However he also acknowledged America’s move came with significant risks and would “inflame” opinion across the Middle East.

Mr Sharma said the United States should “make clear that Trump’s statement is not an endorsement of Israel’s claim of sovereignty over the entire city of Jerusalem, and that it expects a Palestinian capital in the predominantly Arab neighbourhoods of east Jerusalem will emerge during final status negotiations.”

Wentworth candidate Dave Sharma at a debate, alongside rival Kerryn Phelps. Pic: The Australian
Wentworth candidate Dave Sharma at a debate, alongside rival Kerryn Phelps. Pic: The Australian

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