
Unlicensed waste management operators targeted in border blitz

THE Queensland Government has sought Canberra’s help to rescue it from being NSW’s rubbish dumping ground.

Heavy vehicles crossing into Queensland from NSW have been targeted in a crackdown on rogue waste management companies.
Heavy vehicles crossing into Queensland from NSW have been targeted in a crackdown on rogue waste management companies.

THE Queensland Government has sought federal help to rescue it from being NSW’s dumping ground as it launches a crackdown on rogue rubbish trucks.

Heavy vehicles crossing the border from NSW to dump rubbish in Queensland will be targeted by police and transport and main roads.

The joint agency checks were launched yesterday afternoon amid allegations waste management companies were dumping rubbish in Queensland to avoid levies interstate.

Environment Minister Steven Miles said the operation would target “unlicensed waste management operators” at pertinent locations across the border.

“I spoke [on Wednesday] night with Josh Frydenberg and emphasised the need for national assistance to resolve constitutional issues with cross-border waste issues,” the Minister said.

Mr Miles will receive a briefing from senior officials on the matter this morning ahead of a meeting with key industry players, such as Cleanaway, JJ Richards and Visy, next Monday.

“This enforcement blitz on the border will help stop illegal waste movement and also provide valuable knowledge about what further action Queensland should take,” he said.

The measures will form part of Operation TORA, which has already prompted 207 investigations since it was established in 2015.

Outspoken Labor MP Jo-Ann Miller yesterday took to social media to urge the State Government to “get its act into gear”.

“It is simply untrue that the Queensland Government did not know about the problems with the Ipswich Dumps, as I have been raising the matter for many years,” she wrote.

Originally published as Unlicensed waste management operators targeted in border blitz

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