
RSPCA inspectors left speechless after grim discovery of horrific cruelty to dogs

RSPCA inspectors have been left speechless after recent discoveries of senseless cruelty to dogs in Queensland homes.

RSPCA rescues dog from abusive owner

RSPCA inspectors in Queensland were horrified to make two separate discoveries of animal cruelty yesterday when three dogs were rescued from two separate properties, and one was found dead.

Two dogs were rescued from a home in Boronia Heights, where one animal had already died in extreme conditions, trapped in the sun and left to die.

The dogs were found bound with heavy chains so they couldn’t get out of the Brisbane sun. Tragically, before the RSPCA arrived, one of the dogs had already died.

In a separate incident RSPCA inspectors were horrified to find a dog tied to a beam with it’s mouth taped shut at a home in Marsden. While a bowl of water can be seen by the pup, there’s no way it would have been able to drink with it’s mouth taped. The dog was also unable to pant, which is a dog’s natural mechanism for cooling its core body temperature as dogs cannot sweat.

The temperature in Marsden peaked at 37 degrees yesterday and 36 degrees in Boronia Heights.

This dog was found by RSPCA inspectors with it’s mouth taped shut and kept on a short tether. Source: RSPCA Queensland
This dog was found by RSPCA inspectors with it’s mouth taped shut and kept on a short tether. Source: RSPCA Queensland

“People deserve jail time for this kind of thing!!!!!! Scum of the earth to tie a dog like this,” wrote one woman on Facebook.

“Exactly the same treatment for the owners is needed,” wrote another woman, with and angry emoji.

“Wtf is wrong with people?” Another asked. “These poor animals.”


“Words fail us,” RSPCA’s Michael Beatty told The Courier Mail.

“Despite the warnings and despite the help of the media to relay the warnings, some people still aren’t listening.”

He described the mistreatment of the dogs as “unbelievable stupidity and callous indifference as temperatures skyrocket”.

“A dog can survive for days without food, but in these temperatures, if they don’t have shade

or can’t reach water they’ll die.”

“We would also recommend that there are at least two to three containers of water in case one gets knocked over.”

Mr Beatty also warned of the dangers of leaving dogs inside cars, with the RSPCA still receiving thousands of complaints about dogs locked in hot cars every year.

“If it’s thirty degrees outside, the temperature inside a car can potentially rise to well over forty degrees in less than five minutes,” he said.

In 2018 the RSPCA received over 2000 distress calls about animals being left with no shade or water. They also received about 1500 calls about animals being left in hot cars.

If you see an animal in distress you can call the RSPCA’s Animal Emergency Hotline 24/7 on 1300 ANIMAL.

The RSPCA Queensland received thousands of calls regarding animal mistreatment last year. Source: RSPCA Queensland
The RSPCA Queensland received thousands of calls regarding animal mistreatment last year. Source: RSPCA Queensland

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