
Queensland man ‘chews’ live possum in horrific video

The RSPCA has singled out a handful of people after they were caught on video horrifically torturing possums. WARNING: Graphic

The man bites chunks out of a possum in a horrific video shared by the RSPCA. Picture: RSPCA QLD
The man bites chunks out of a possum in a horrific video shared by the RSPCA. Picture: RSPCA QLD

WARNING: Graphic content

The RSPCA has released footage of a man filmed biting chunks out of a possum, another holding a possum in a net before feeding it to an angry dog and a third man dragging a possum from a tree before slamming it against a wall and throwing it into a bush.

All three disturbing videos were released by the animal rights organisation today, along with a photo of two girls proudly posing with rifles and a dead possum, in a bid to raise awareness about the horrific abuse inflicted on the native marsupials.

“These are very, very disturbing,” RSPCA Queensland spokesman Michael Beatty said.

“The videos depict people deliberately torturing defenceless animals. In one video, a possum is dragged from a tree and then squeezed and slammed on to a wall before being hurled into the bush.

“In another, a live possum is wrapped in a net before being thrown to dogs that tear it to pieces and a third video shows a young man biting and chewing a possum before hurling it into the darkness.”

The two girls posing with a shot possum. Picture: RSPCA
The two girls posing with a shot possum. Picture: RSPCA

In the third video, it is unclear if the possum is alive or dead, however its leg can be seen twitching in part of the video.

The RSPCA is urging anyone who sees the horrific videos surface on social media to report them to the police or the RSPCA.

“These are quite deliberate and premeditated acts of animal cruelty and show a complete lack of empathy,” Mr Beattie said.

“Without meaning to sound too melodramatic, the links between this type of cruelty and acts of violence toward humans have been well researched over the years.”

All native animals are protected under the Nature Conservation Act and if the women in the photo did shoot the possum, that was illegal and they could be prosecuted, the RSPCA said in a statement.

The RSPCA said it was impossible to say if acts of cruelty were on the rise, or if people were just more willing to report it.

The young man who was caught on Snapchat slamming the possum against the concrete wall before throwing it on to the road was caught by and charged by police last month.

In a statement on February 23, Queensland Police said it started an investigation with the RSPCA after the video was given to officers.

“It is alleged the man squeezed the back of a possum’s neck causing it to scream in pain. It is further alleged he put the possum on to a concrete barricade in the middle of the street and pushed down heavily around its throat, again causing it to scream out in pain. He then allegedly threw the possum into the middle of the road,” police said.

“Following extensive inquiries — including the review of CCTV footage — it was determined the incident occurred on February 3 at the intersection of Grey Street and Saint Georges Terrace (in Saint George).”

A 21-year-old man from Daymar was arrested on February 2 and charged with one count of serious animal cruelty.

He will appear in court on March 12.

Readers are advised the videos below are graphic in nature.

Possum squashed against wall, another fed to dogs
Man filmed eating chunks of possum

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