
A teen is in hospital after she was allegedly set on fire by her ex-boyfriend

A TEENAGE girl was allegedly set on fire by her ex-boyfriend and she is in an induced coma in a Queensland hospital.

A teenager was set on fire in Queensland. Picture: Nine News
A teenager was set on fire in Queensland. Picture: Nine News

A TEEN is in an induced coma after being set on fire in Brisbane.

The 17-year-old woman was taken to the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital with serious burns to her arms, legs and upper body, after allegedly being set alight at a home in Marsden on Friday.

A 17-year-old man is accused of using flammable liquid to burn her following an argument.

Nine News reports the man accused is allegedly the teen’s ex-boyfriend.

The girl’s sister posted a distressed message on Facebook following the attack.

“She is only 17 years old, she has her whole life ahead of her and she does not deserve this,” it said.

“You are such a beautiful young girl. You’re not giving up on me this easy, I know you can get through this, you’re a fighter.

“I love you heaps sis, I can’t believe this has happened.”

Nine News reports neighbours heard the teen scream.

“I heard some chick screaming and then police and ambulance rocked up and the fire brigade,” witness Jeremy Picken said.

“They said that she’d been badly burned.”

The 17-year-old man accused was charged with acts intended to cause grievous bodily harm and will face court in Queensland on Monday.

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