
Coast DJ Daniel “Dan Dan” Warrington attacked by mob in Melbourne

WHEN Daniel “Dan Dan” Warrington set off to deliver food to homeless people, he never thought his act of kindness would almost cost him his life.

Mob bashes DJ trying to help stranger
Mob bashes DJ trying to help stranger

WHEN former Gold Coast DJ and chef Daniel “Dan Dan” Warrington finished work in Melbourne and set off to del­iver leftover food to homeless people nearby he never thought his act of kindness would almost cost him his life.

The 34-year-old, who recently relocated south to further pursue his music car­eer, was walking along Swanston St late on January 6 when he noticed two people trying to set somebody on fire.

He quickly ran to the person’s aid but suddenly more people came out from the shadows and he was knocked unconscious after repeated blows to the head.

Speaking to the Gold Coast Bulletin after undergoing full facial surgery to insert more than 30 screws and metal plates into his shattered bones, Mr Warrington said he was emotionally and physically scarred.

DJ and chef Daniel Warrington. Picture: Facebook
DJ and chef Daniel Warrington. Picture: Facebook

“I got clubbed over the head with a full bottle of alcohol, repeatedly hit with a skateboard and they kept stomping on my head while I was unconscious,” he said.

“(Doctors) are surprised that I’m alive. My whole face is des­troyed, pulverised, and it’s just the emotional trauma.

“It’s really dimmed my perception on some of ­­soc­iety. Just walk away and live another day.”

A Victoria Police spokesman confirmed an incident took place on Swanston St bet­ween 10.30-11pm but could not comment further as to whether anybody had been taken into custody.

After undergoing surgery late last week, doctors had to place Mr Warrington back under sedation due to the pain but in the process, he says, he had an “epiphany” in which he plans to establish a clothing line aimed at assisting people in violent situations.

Daniel Warrington has undergone a facial reconstruction. Picture: Christopher Chan
Daniel Warrington has undergone a facial reconstruction. Picture: Christopher Chan

Mr Warrington said while mentally he was not ready to return to the microphone he planned to establish the Stylized Violence clothing line, with all the items having a tiny whistle to use when in trouble.

“I’m not quite ready to face the world so I want to send the word out through a fantastic street label,” he said.

“Enough is enough, violence is not the answer. Whatever happened to conversations and good times?”

Mr Warrington, who was a headline act at last year’s Surf n’ Ink Tattoo Convention on the Coast and has also worked at the now closed Berlin Lounge bar and Elsewhere nightclub, is trying to pay off thousands of dollars in hospital bills while supporting his pregnant partner Brooke Bilston.

Close friends have since set up a Go Fund Me page to assist that aims to raise about $5000.

“While we cannot take away the physical pain that Dan Dan is currently suffering the very least we can do is donate a small amount money towards his medical bills & ongoing rehabilitation expenses,” friends wrote on the page.

“This will go a long way to relieving a great deal of financial and emotional stress that he will be going through as a victim of an extremely vicious assault.

“I understand that many people’s wallets and bank accounts are probably hurting after the Christmas and holiday period. However it is times like this when we need to dig deep and help a brother out.”

Donations can be made by visiting

Originally published as Coast DJ Daniel “Dan Dan” Warrington attacked by mob in Melbourne

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