
Questions asked over Vikki’s job

A SENATE committee today asked for proof Barnaby Joyce’s partner actually worked for the National Party figure she’d been allocated to.

 Joyce steps down

THERE is no evidence of an email address which Ms Campion would have needed to operate within the office of Nationals’ Whip Damian Drum, a key estimates committee was told today.

The claim was made by Labor’s Kimberley Kitching in questions to Senate President Scott Ryan.

Ms Campion was moved from Mr Joyce’s office to that of Energy Minister Matt Canavan, and then to the office of Mr Drum.

While working for Mr Joyce and Mr Canavan her email address would have come through their departments. But with Mr Drum, the login under standard procedure would have been allocated through the Parliament House (APH) system.

“There’s no trace of Ms Campion in the APH system. Was Ms Campion issued an APH login during her employment with Mr Drum?” Senator Kimberley asked Senator Ryan.

She asked when a login was granted if it had been, and whether Ms Campion was issued a Parliament House security pass as a Drum staff member and how often she used it to enter Parliament House.

“And I have to say … that the quote from Mr Drum that has been said to a number of people is that: ‘She did not step foot into my office once’,” said the Labor senator.

“So … that’s why I’m asking about the frequency of her visits into that office.”

Senator Ryan said he would take the questions on notice.

The questions from Senator Kitching do not amount to proof Ms Campion was paid for work she didn’t do when attached to Mr Drum’s office. She had a broad brief to help on social media for the Nationals.

But the Labor claims are a further indication the Opposition intends to continue asking questions about the use of taxpayer resources by Mr Joyce, who today quit as Nationals leader and was replaced by Michael McCormack.

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