
‘Please help!’: Woman falls to PM Morrison’s feet, begging for help

Scott Morrison has been confronted by a distraught woman who fell at his feet and begged him to help her family with cameras looking on.

Woman falls to her knees at Prime Minister's feet begging for help

A sobbing woman has fallen to the feet of Scott Morrison, begging the prime minister to help her family in Africa.

Moments after concluding a press conference in Rockhampton on Tuesday, Mr Morrison was confronted by the distraught woman pleading on her knees.

The woman, who NCA NewsWire has chosen not to name, begged Mr Morrison to help her family in Cameroon.

“I have no family left in this country. Help me, help me! … Every day my people are being killed. I go through trauma every day, every day. Please help me,” the woman sobbed.

Holding the woman’s hands and crouched down during the encounter, Mr Morrison assured her the government would support people eligible for Australia’s refugee intake.

The woman falls at Scott Morrison’s feet. Picture: 7 News
The woman falls at Scott Morrison’s feet. Picture: 7 News

“We’re bringing many people across under our refugee program from Africa, so we are doing that. If there are family members or others who are part of that process, we’ll pursue those matters with the immigration minister,” he said.

“I’m just alone in this country. I can’t go home to visit family, Thank you, thank you, thank you,” the woman said before falling at his feet again.

Mr Morrison supported the woman to her feet, saying: “No, you don’t need to do that.”

Cameroon has been gripped by a vicious civil war that has killed up to 4000 civilians and displaced 700,000 since 2016, according to Al Jazeera.

Nationals MP Michelle Landry was also present, and revealed the woman had previously made representations to her office and confirmed her concerns had been passed to the Department of Foreign Affairs.

“I’ll certainly be following up with another meeting and we will contact the relevant people to see what can be done about this,” she told reporters.

Ms Landry said Australia had “quite a large foreign intake” but conceded COVID-19 had seen it reduced.

“It’s something that we certainly treat with a lot of concern, and I will be talking to the Prime Minister’s office about it. They said that they would catch up with us later today to find out what’s going on,” she said.

NCA NewsWire has reached out to Mr Morrison’s office for comment.

Read related topics:Scott Morrison

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