Anti-gay marriage signs ‘hurtful’ but democratic: PM Malcolm Turnbull
MALCOLM Turnbull has refused to ban anti-gay marriage posters put up in Melbourne that claim most same-sex couples abuse their children.
MALCOLM Turnbull has refused to ban anti-gay marriage signs put up in Melbourne that falsely claim most same-sex couples abuse their children.
The Prime Minister said the signs were “hurtful” but they were part of democratic debate when he was grilled about them in an interview with Melbourne radio hosts Em Rusciano and Harley Breen this morning.
The signs urge Australians to “Stop The Fags” and claim that 92 per cent of children raised by gay parents are abused, 51 per cent have depression and 72 per cent are obese.
“We’re in a democracy,” Mr Turnbull told the 2DayFM hosts.
“People will often say in any democratic debate, they’ll often say things that are hurtful and unfair and sometimes cruel, that is part of a debate.
“The only way to stop people saying things that you find hurtful is to shut down free speech.”
So this is the disgusting level that the "No" campaign are prepared to sink to. Where's Tony Abbott now?
â Sarah Hanson-Youngð¤ (@sarahinthesen8) August 21, 2017
Mr Turnbull staunchly defended the democratic rights of both the ‘Yes’ and ‘No’ campaigns to contribute to public debate ahead of next month’s postal plebiscite.
He said the debate should be respectful but his advice to people with friends who were distressed by the “hurtful” language was “stand up for them”.
“Our society, the most successful multicultural society in the world is built on a foundation of mutual respect,” Mr Turnbull said.
“I deplore disrespectful abusive language, whether it is directed at young gay people or people of other religions or people of other races.
“Mutual respect and a respectful debate is what we should have in Australia.”
Mr Turnbull also said he and wife Lucy would be voting ‘Yes’ to legalised gay marriage.
“The threats to marriage are not gay people getting married ... the threats are desertion, cruelty, neglect, abandonment, indifference,” he said.
The Prime Minister encouraged all Australians to vote in the ballot, regardless of their views.
So far, more than 434,000 Australians have updated their enrolment information to vote, and an extra 36,769 people have been added to the electoral roll in just 12 days to August 20.
The Australian Electoral Commission will accept enrolment detail updates until midnight on Thursday August 24.
Opposition leader Bill Shorten and Greens senators have condemned the posters.