
Sydney Lord Mayor criticised for picture of Greta Thunberg in Central Square plans

Sydney City Council is facing criticism for photoshopping a picture of climate activist Greta Thunberg into plans for the city’s new Central Square.

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Sydney’s Lord Mayor is facing criticism after a picture of teenage climate activist Greta Thunberg was photoshopped into the plans for a new public square in the city.

Last week City of Sydney endorsed the plan for a new public square to be built at Sydney’s Central Station, with Lord Mayor Clover Moore presenting her concept for Central Square to the councillors.

Councillors were shown a number of artist impression images of what the square would look like and some of the activities that could be held there.

But there was one image in particular that didn’t sit too well with some of the council members.

The picture showed the square being used to hold a climate action rally, with protesters holding signs with various slogans including “There is no planet B’, “Wake up” and “Time is running out”.

Not everyone agreed with having one of the images of the public square depicting a climate rally with Greta Thunberg.
Not everyone agreed with having one of the images of the public square depicting a climate rally with Greta Thunberg.

The image also included a picture of Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg holding a sign among the protesters reading “Skolstrejk for Klimatet”, which translates to “School strike for climate”.

Councillor Christine Forster told The Daily Telegraph she was “gobsmacked” by the Ms Moore’s choice to include a climate rally as part of the suggested use for Central Square.

“I was gobsmacked to see that Clover Moore’s ‘vision’ for the proposed Central Square is that it is just another place for protesters holding effigies of Greta Thunberg, encouraging school strikes and complaining about farmers,” she said.

Ms Forster said these types of activities were not what the majority of Sydney residents wanted to see the square used for.

“We should be planning for Sydney’s open spaces to be inviting and accessible to everyone, not just those who agree with Clover Moore’s one-eyed view of the world,” she said.

The plans also included concept images of markets and other events being held in the square.
The plans also included concept images of markets and other events being held in the square.
The City will now work with the NSW, Government, including Transport for NSW as the substantial land owner, to bring its vision for Central, Square to life.
The City will now work with the NSW, Government, including Transport for NSW as the substantial land owner, to bring its vision for Central, Square to life.

But Ms Moore didn’t back down over the decision to include a climate rally in one of the images, saying she was “proud” for it to be part of the city’s vision for Central Square.

“When we announced our vision for a new Central Square, we released artist impressions to illustrate the range of activities that could happen there,” Ms Moore wrote on Twitter.

“Today we’re accused of being ‘divisive’ and ‘one-eyed’ because one image suggests the Square might be used for … a climate rally.

“While some on Council may be ‘gobsmacked’ that public spaces could be used to gather and demand climate action, I’m proud this is part of our vision.

“The City is committed to addressing climate change, and Council has publicly endorsed the efforts of the @StrikeClimate movement.”

Ms Moore noted the square could also be a place for markets, parties and concerts, or just a place to walk through or sit down and enjoy the space.

“We’re a long way off final designs, but we hope it’s a place for everyone,” she said.

The Central Square project is being made in conjunction with the NSW government’s plan for Tech Central, a new technology and innovation precinct next to Central Station.

The Tech Central project is expected to attract an influx of new workers and businesses to the area, with Central Square aimed at providing the newcomers with more usable public space.

“With increasing numbers of workers and visitors expected in the area over the next 20 years, we need more safe and comfortable spaces for people,” Ms Moore said.

“High quality public open space is essential for our global city and good for our economy, environment and wellbeing. By creating wonderful public spaces, we ensure Sydney is an attractive place for businesses, residents and visitors.”

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