

‘Falling behind’: NSW schools to ban mobile phones

Mobile phones will be banned in NSW schools from term 4, bring the state into line with other states and territories.

Phones will be banned from NSW schools. Picture: NCA NewsWire / Emma Brasier
Phones will be banned from NSW schools. Picture: NCA NewsWire / Emma Brasier

Mobile phones will be banned in NSW public schools, Chris Minns revealed on Monday morning.

“We’re banning mobile phones in NSW public schools from day 1, term 4 – this year,” the newly minted Premier tweeted.

Speaking to ABC News Breakfast, Mr Minns cited better test results, reduced incidents of bullying and increased social interaction as the reasons behind the change.

“Western Australia, South Australia, the Northern Territory and Victoria – all of these states have implemented a ban,” he said.

“I don’t want to see NSW kids fall behind.

The Premier said the move would bring NSW in line with other states. Picture: NCA NewsWire/ Monique Harmer
The Premier said the move would bring NSW in line with other states. Picture: NCA NewsWire/ Monique Harmer

“I know a lot of adults find it difficult to concentrate when a mobile phone is in front of them, so I don’t know why we expect children to have that kind of discipline.”

Mr Minns said it would be left up to school communities to decide how they would implement the ban.

“It may be as simple as ensuring that mobile phones are in a student’s bag and can’t be taken out during the school day,” he said.

“For many schools, for many teachers, that’s enough – so they know the school ban is in place and there’s no ambiguity if a kid does take out a mobile phone at recess or lunch.”

Some social media users called the move a “boomer policy”, while others expressed their support.

“Students can have their phones for safety reasons when going to and from school … there’s no need to have it on during the school day,” one person wrote.

“Just curious, why is it from term 4?”

Mr Minns reassured schools that there would be “no-cost and low-cost (options) available” for them to implement the ban.

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