Combined bathroom and kitchen in NSW rental criticised
A hidden detail in a NSW rental reveals a new low in the national property market.
A property influencer has slammed a NSW rental for essentially combining a bathroom and a kitchen, labelling it a “new low.”
TikTok influencer Rach McQueen said the $300 a week Heathcote rental, in which the bathroom and kitchen appear to be separated only by a thin partition, amounted to “opportunism”.
She coined the term “bitchen” – a combined bathroom and kitchen – to describe the unique feature.
“Surely a bathroom can’t be that close to a kitchen, especially without a door?” McQueen said.
“I will be presenting to you a new low in rental crisis home design,” she said.
Her TikTok video shows a picture of the rental taken from the front door, which reveals the thin partition separating the kitchen and bathroom.
As the photo is displayed, McQueen asks: “Have you spotted the revolutionary new design feature?”
“I have called it ‘the bitchen’,” she said.
“Direct access from the bathroom to the kitchen – bitchen.
“So, this is your entire granny flat and your bathroom is behind this black divider.”
McQueen said the black divider was semitransparent so you could see the bathroom through it if you looked closely enough.
“So for $300 a week you can have this room and literal direct access from the bathroom to the kitchen,” she said.
“All of your bathroom germs just float around and end up in here where you prepare your food.
“For $300 a week you don’t deserve dignity, hygiene, or to have friends over.”