

Sydney church stabbing declared ‘terror incident’

Police believe the attack on a Sydney church leader and others last night was motivated by extremism.

Vision has emerged of a bishop appearing to be stabbed during a service. Picture: Twitter
Vision has emerged of a bishop appearing to be stabbed during a service. Picture: Twitter

The stabbing of a Sydney church leader during a service in the city’s west last night has been declared a terrorist act.

NSW Premier Chris Minns and the state’s Police Commissioner Karen Webb confirmed a major investigation was underway following the incident at Wakeley’s Christ The Good Shepherd Church.

Christian leader Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel was stabbed as he delivered a sermon, which was being lifestreamed online, with the incident broadcast to the public.

Father Isaac Royel was also stabbed during the incident.

A 15-year-old boy was restrained by church goers and later arrested by police.

He is yet to be charged and was last night held in a secure location after the scene decended into chaos.

Vision has emerged of a bishop appearing to be stabbed during a service. Picture: Twitter
Vision has emerged of a bishop appearing to be stabbed during a service. Picture: Twitter

Commissioner Webb said she “declared that this was a terrorist incident” after considering all of the evidence police had gathered since the alleged attack at 7.10pm on Monday.

“The things that influenced my decision to declare this a terrorist incident was the actions of the individual who … we will allege attended that church with a knife, armed with a knife, and stabbed the bishop, priest and others were also injured, we believe the elements that are satisfied in terms of religious motivated extremism, and of course, the intimidation of the public through that person’s acts,” she said.

“By attending that church, whilst it was being live streamed, intimidating not only the parishioners in attendance, but those parishers in watching online, and subsequently those people that turned up to the church on the outside and the subsequent riot that happened.”

Crowds gathering outside the church following the stabbing of Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel and multiple priests.
Crowds gathering outside the church following the stabbing of Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel and multiple priests.
Police officers were injured outside. Picture: Liam Mendes/The Australian
Police officers were injured outside. Picture: Liam Mendes/The Australian

NSW Ambulance Commissioner Dominic Morgan confirmed on Tuesday paramedics treated 30 patients at the scene with seven taken to hospital.

Strike Force Petrina has been established to investigate the stabbing and the incident has been referred to the Joint Counter-Terrorism Investigation Team.

Commissioner Webb said it was believed the teenager made comments “centred around religion” as he approached the front of the church.

“I understand that he made certain comments as he was approaching the bishop,” she said.

“There’s been other comments made, those comments and all that information available to us.

“At 1am this morning, I took into consideration in making that declaration. It was centred around religion.”

She also said police would allege there was a “degree of premeditation” involved in travelling to the church armed with a knife far from his own home.

NSW Police Commissioner Karen Webb said scenes outside the church were “unacceptable”. Picture: NCA Newswire / Gaye Gerard
NSW Police Commissioner Karen Webb said scenes outside the church were “unacceptable”. Picture: NCA Newswire / Gaye Gerard
Father Isaac Royel was also stabbed.
Father Isaac Royel was also stabbed.

Mr Minns has appealed for calm in the wake of the incident, after up to 500 people gathered outside the church last night.

A separate police strike force will probe the ugly scenes unfolded on Box Rd with riot police called to control the crowd.

Emergency services personnel called to treat those injured ended up “fearing for their own safety”, according to Commissioner Morgan.

“Our paramedics became directly under threat and were supported by police and had to retreat into the church,” he said.

Premier Chris Minns has urged the community to stay calm. Picture: NCA Newswire / Gaye Gerard
Premier Chris Minns has urged the community to stay calm. Picture: NCA Newswire / Gaye Gerard

Police allege several officers were injured by projectiles and Commissioner Webb said 20 police vehicles were damaged, 10 of which were left “unusable”.

“That is unacceptable and those that were involved in that riot can expect a knock at the door, she said.

“It might not be today. It might not be tomorrow. But we’ll find you and we’ll come and arrest you.”

The premier urged the public not to “respond to rumours” and wait for the police investigation to play out.

“Every major religious community leader representing the communities of Western Sydney have made an identical plea to the residents of this city, and that’s let the police do their job, they have deplored violence and no-one is asking for retribution and take the law into their own hands,” Mr Minns said.

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