
Serial pedophile Michael Guider who killed 9yo Samantha Knight dead in custody

The notorious pedophile who murdered nine-year-old schoolgirl Samantha Knight has died while in custody.

Serial pedophile Michael Guider spends first night as a free man

The notorious pedophile who murdered nine-year-old schoolgirl Samantha Knight has died while in custody.

Guider was serving a 16-year jail sentence for 77 offences against 13 children when he was finally charged with killing Samantha Knight after abducting her in Bondi, before molesting and killing her, in 1986.

In total, he served 23 years behind bars.

He was released from prison in 2019 before being rearrested in 2022 for breaching his bail conditions.

Michael Guider has died in custody. Picture: Supplied
Michael Guider has died in custody. Picture: Supplied

A Department of Correctives NSW spokesperson revealed Guider died at 7.25am on Saturday while in Prince of Wales Hospital.

“As a matter of protocol, Corrective Services NSW and NSW Police investigate all deaths in custody regardless of the circumstances,” a spokesperson told

He died of a medical episode, according to Daily Mail Australia.

Guider never showed any remorse for the death of the little girl at his hands, never revealing where her body was buried.

When he was released, reporters gathered to demand what he had done with Samantha’s body. Her body has still never been found.

Guider claimed he had given her too much sleeping medication and she had accidentally died when he finally confessed to the crimes in 1996.

Initially, he told police her body was buried in Cooper Park, in Sydney’s eastern suburbs before he moved her to a skip bin at the Royal Sydney Yacht Squadron club in Kirribilli.

Extensive searches never saw her found.

Samantha Knight's body was never found. Picture: Supplied
Samantha Knight's body was never found. Picture: Supplied
Samantha was a victim of Michael Guider. Picture: Supplied
Samantha was a victim of Michael Guider. Picture: Supplied

Upon his release in 2019, Guider was placed on prescription drugs known colloquially as “chemical castration” to help prevent him from harming children out in the community, and made to wear a tracking device. He was on an extended supervision order intended to last five years.

His extended supervision order also meant he had to supply a weekly schedule of his movements to which he must strictly adhere, not drink alcohol or associate with anyone drinking alcohol or go near schools, cinemas, libraries and museums, camping areas, children’s playgrounds or any sporting facilities.

He also wasn’t allowed to grow his hair or a beard and if he did, he had to pose for new photographs for parole authorities.

Samantha’s mother Tess pictured ahead of a parole hearing for Guider. Picture: Richard Dobson
Samantha’s mother Tess pictured ahead of a parole hearing for Guider. Picture: Richard Dobson

If he stopped taking his prescribed anti-libidinal medication, he also had to notify his parole supervisors within 24 hours.

He was arrested once again in 2022 for looking at material on his phone that contravened these orders over a seven-month period — something authorities and those related to Guider’s victims were adamant would happen.

At the time of his arrest one of Guider’s victims, Chantelle Daly, told The Daily Telegraph it was “the best news” she’d heard all year.

“He’s back where he should be, he should never have gotten out and I’m not surprised to hear (these allegations),” Ms Daly said.

Michael Guider pictured at Blacktown Police Station after being released from Long Bay Jail in 2019. Picture: Jonathan Ng
Michael Guider pictured at Blacktown Police Station after being released from Long Bay Jail in 2019. Picture: Jonathan Ng

“I’m glad he wasn’t able to take it any further or hurt anyone else — because they always escalate. Leopards don’t change their spots.”

Ms Daly has been a long-time advocate for Guider — and similar offenders — getting harsher prison sentences.

“It’s not surprising they go on to reoffend, they can’t help themselves and the repercussions aren’t bad enough. No second chances,” she said.

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