
US traveller to fight claim she smuggled 24-karat golden gun into Australia

A colourful US traveller will stand trial over allegations she tried to smuggle a 24-karat gold firearm into Australia in her hand luggage.

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A distinctive US traveller is set to stand trial in Australia after she was arrested for allegedly attempting to smuggle a 24-karat gold handgun into the country in her luggage.

Liliana Goodson was arrested at Sydney Airport on the afternoon of April 23 last year after Australian Border Force allegedly found a golden weapon hidden in her hand luggage.

Police allege an X-ray machine at the busy airport detected the Colt 45-style pistol in her bag after she flew into Sydney from Los Angeles.

The 24-karat gold gun is valued at more than $2000 and was not loaded when it was seized by the authorities.

Liliana Goodson allegedly attempted to smuggle a golden gun into Australia last year. Picture: NewsWire / Gaye Gerard
Liliana Goodson allegedly attempted to smuggle a golden gun into Australia last year. Picture: NewsWire / Gaye Gerard
She will fight the charge in a hearing later this year. Picture: NewsWire / Gaye Gerard
She will fight the charge in a hearing later this year. Picture: NewsWire / Gaye Gerard

ABF officials claim Ms Goodson does not have a permit to import or carry the unregistered gun in Australia.

On Tuesday, Sydney Downing Centre Local Court heard the 29-year-old will fight the allegations in a hearing after she pleaded not guilty to intentionally importing prohibited goods without approval.

The court was told the two-day hearing will take place in August, more than a year after Ms Goodson was arrested while entering the country.

The colourful US citizen asked Magistrate Susan Horan to vary her bail conditions after she moved into accommodation in Sydney’s eastern suburbs.

She previously told the court she had been homeless for several months and was fearful for her safety.

The golden gun was discovered by border officials at Sydney Airport.
The golden gun was discovered by border officials at Sydney Airport.

Magistrate Horan agreed to the change, and noted Ms Goodson is still required to report to police every day.

The tattooed tourist appeared content with the outcome as she left court wearing a long animal-print dress, thigh-high boots, and a furry headpiece.

She has been forced to surrender her passport and prohibited from applying for a new one as she waits to fight the allegation against her.

The 29-year-old will return to court next month ahead of her hearing.

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