Ex-ABC chair Ita Buttrose accused of double standard over presenter Antoinette Lattouf ‘activist’ claim
Antoinette Lattouf’s legal team has hit back in court at former ABC chair Ita Buttrose’s claim the radio host was an “activist”.
Antoinette Lattouf’s legal team has hit back at Ita Buttrose’s suggestions she was an “activist”, questioning why her ABC colleagues who expressed divisive opinions had not also been similarly branded.
Ms Lattouf has sued the national broadcaster for unlawful dismissal after she was taken from the air for the final two days of a five-day fill-in stint on ABC Radio’s Sydney Mornings program in December 2023.
She says that she was sacked after sharing a post about the Israel-Gaza war by Human Rights Watch on Instagram and as a result of a flurry of emails from pro-Israeli supporters.
The ABC denies that she was sacked and says former head of content Chris Oliver-Taylor’s decision to take her off air was made after she disobeyed a direction from by her manager two days earlier to not post about the Gaza war.
It was revealed in senate estimates this last that the national broadcaster had spent $1.1m defending the case.
Ms Lattouf’s barrister Philip Boncardo told the court on Thursday afternoon that despite an allegation of serious misconduct being made, it was never put to Ms Lattouf in writing.
By doing so, he has alleged the ABC failed to follow the terms of the enterprise agreement.
While the ABC has argued that Ms Lattouf was not sacked, Mr Boncardo said she was terminated despite being paid for the full five days of her contract.
He described it as a “clear example” of termination.
“My client was engaged as a content maker,” Mr Boncardo said.
“What occurred at that meeting was her being told in the clearest of terms that she would not be performing that role, or any work at all.
“If your employer employs you as a content maker to present five shows and tells you ‘you’re not going to be doing that’, in my respectful submissions, that is a repudiation.”
During his closing submissions on Thursday, Ms Lattouf’s barrister Oshie Fagir argued that ABC managing director David Anderson and then-head of content Chris Oliver-Taylor made the decision to sack Ms Lattouf.
He further argued that ABC chair Ita Buttrose and head of audio content Ben Latimer were also influential in the decision.
He pointed to an email sent by Mr Oliver-Taylor to Ms Buttrose in which he said the ABC had been “left in an untenable position”.
He said at the time Ms Buttrose was “hammering” Mr Oliver-Taylor with emails and demanding assurances, while The Australian newspaper was asking questions about Ms Lattouf’s employment.
He said Mr Oliver-Taylor then used Ms Lattouf’s social media post as an excuse to get rid of her.
“It’s in the context of that influence and pressure being exerted by the managing director and the chair, this issue materialises and he uses that as a pretext to deliver what he wanted and what the organisations wanted,” Mr Fagir said.
Mr Fagir has argued Ms Lattouf was dismissed because of her opinions.
He said it could also be argued that she was dismissed because of her race and opinions.
“One of the reasons Ms Lattouf was removed from air in the circumstances that she held and manifested particular views, she did so in circumstances where she was herself of Lebanese heritage,” Mr Fagir said.
During her evidence to the court earlier this month, Ms Buttrose, the ABC chair, described Ms Lattouf as an “activist” owing to her pro-Palestinian posts on social media.
“The issue for me was not whether Ms Lattouf was pro-Palestinian or pro-Israeli. Rather, the issue was that Ms Lattouf appeared to be an activist in relation to the Israel-Gaza conflict,” Ms Buttrose told the court.
Ms Lattouf’s lawyers have highlighted similarly politically charged and partisan messages expressed by other ABC personalities, including Laura Tingle, who last year told a writers festival: “We are a racist country, let’s face it. We always have been, and it’s very depressing.”
Mr Fagir argued that labelling her an activist was proof Ms Buttrose had an existing hostility to Ms Lattouf’s political opinion.
“Those labels themselves proceed from a partisan position … about the merits of the opinions,” Mr Fagir told the court on Thursday afternoon.
“Whenever it’s suggested that Ms Lattouf is an activist or an advocate, and the label is not applied to Ms Tingle, Ms (Patricia) Karvelas, that involved a judgment on the relative merits of the opinion.
“The fact that Ms Lattouf’s opinions are labelled controversial and contentious, and she is labelled an activist or an advocate, itself is an indication of an a prior hostility to the opinions which he holds.”
Ms Lattouf says she was sacked after using Instagram to share a Human Rights Watch reading: “HRW reporting starvation as a tool of war.”
The post added: “The Israeli government is using starvation of civilians as a weapon of war in Gaza.”
On December 18, 2023, the ABC reported online about the same report.
“Does the fact that what was shared was a story, that had already been published by the ABC, have any relevance?” Justice Darryl Rangiah asked.
“Yes, it is relevant to the question of whether it is reasonably likely that Mr Oliver-Taylor in fact believed that the post had in fact breached (the ABC’s social media policy),” Mr Fagir said.
“The post was so unobjectionable that it is prima facie unlikely that any reasonable person, or Mr Oliver-Taylor, could have regarded that as being a breach of the ABC’s policy or a potential breach of the policy.”
Mr Fagir argued that Mr Oliver-Taylor would have been told that Ms Lattouf was not earlier directed by her boss, ABC Radio Sydney content director Elizabeth Green, not to post about the war.
The ABC has argued that Mr Oliver-Taylor made the decision to sack Ms Lattouf after finding she had disobeyed a direction – made after her first shift – about posting anything controversial on social media about the conflict.
According to Ms Lattouf’s legal team, Ms Green says she told fellow members of ABC management during a meeting that she never gave Ms Lattouf such a direction.
And Mr Fagir said that statement would have been passed onto Mr Oliver-Taylor before he made the call to sack Ms Lattouf on Wednesday, December 20, 2023.
“If Your Honour accepted that Ms Green told the three that no direction had been given, we would submit it was overwhelmingly improbable that they failed to convey that fact to Mr Oliver-Taylor in circumstances where they were meeting to discuss the very question of whether Ms Lattouf had breached a direction,” Mr Fagir said.
“That, we respectfully submit, is incredulous.”
Mr Fagir argued that if Ms Green was believed, it was “game over” for the ABC.
Mr Fagir began his closing submissions by saying that she was sacked 48 hours after an email campaign objecting to her position on the Israel-Gaza war began.
“The only reason for her removal was because she had expressed a political opinion,” Mr Fagir said.
“She was sacked because it was thought she breached a direction and she may have breached the policy.”
However, Mr Fagir argued it was “clear” that “no direction was given”.
Justice Rangiah has shut down an attempt by the ABC to lead evidence about how many Instagram followers Ms Lattouf had gained since she was sacked.
The national broadcaster issued a subpoena attempting to ascertain how many followers she had gained since December 2023.
The court was told on Thursday the ABC was attempting to argue that she had benefited from the saga by a surge in her popularity.
“Are you going to be submitting she benefited from her treatment at the ABC,” Justice Rangiah asked.
“Yes,” ABC barrister Ian Neil SC replied.
However, Justice Rangiah said it wasn’t clear what the relevance was to the proceedings.
“I haven’t got a clear answer,” he said as he set aside the notice to produce.
During the trial earlier this month, Ms Lattouf’s legal team latched onto an email sent by Ms Buttrose when she questioned whether the presenter could come down with Covid.
ABC managing director David Anderson told Ms Buttrose that Ms Lattouf would be given a “managed exit”, meaning she would complete her remaining shifts, as per her contract.
Later that evening she replied, asking if they could use the pretext of illness to take her off air.
“I have a whole clutch more complaints,” Ms Buttrose said.
“Why can’t she come down with flu? Or Covid. Or a stomach upset? We owe her nothing, we are copping criticism because she wasn’t honest when she was appointed. Managed exit. Really.”
Ms Buttrose denied this was proof that she wanted Ms Lattouf sacked. Instead, she told the court, it was a suggestion that would allow Ms Lattouf to “save face”.
“Was it your practice in 2023 to wish that ABC employees come down with respiratory illnesses?” Ms Lattouf’s barrister Philip Boncardo asked.
Ms Buttrose laughed at the question.
“That was just a face-saving idea,” she said.
“I thought it might have been an idea for Antoinette to save face, it’s an easy way to save face. David didn’t pick up on the suggestion, so we didn’t continue the discussion.”
Ms Buttrose was pressed on why Ms Lattouf would need to save face.
Mr Boncardo: “Why did it appear to you that Ms Lattouf might lose her job?”
Ms Buttrose: “It didn’t look like her prospects were going to be very good.”
Mr Boncardo: “What had she done wrong, Ms Buttrose?”
Ms Buttrose: “I don’t know yet. But because she obviously upset the listeners of the ABC. And we were looking into it.”
Much of the case centres on what Ms Lattouf was told in a phone call with Ms Green on the afternoon of Monday, December 18, the day of the first of her five shifts.
The court was told that Ms Green told Ms Lattouf that the ABC had fielded complaints about her.
Ms Green says she advised Ms Lattouf to be “mindful” of what she was posting on social media during her stint on ABC Radio and to “keep a low profile”.
Ms Green told the court that she “believed” she told her not to post about the Israel-Gaza war.
This was at odds with Ms Lattouf’s version of events.
The ABC has claimed she disobeyed a direction not to post on social media and when she re-posted a Human Rights Watch post, she was terminated.
Ms Lattouf told the court that Ms Green told her: “Well, maybe keep a low profile on Twitter and maybe don’t post while you’re with us.”
Ms Lattouf said: “To that, I respectfully, gently pushed back and said that I don’t think it’s fair to suggest that I don’t post.”
She says she told Ms Green that she would “stick to facts and sources” and avoid “conjecture or misinformation”.
Ms Lattouf claims Ms Green replied that was “fine”.
Ms Lattouf denied that she was ever given a direction.
“She agreed that reputable sources were fine,” Ms Lattouf said.