

Federal election 2019: Live coverage of Day 22 of the election campaign

A government minister's Facebook page has become a playground for trolls using his own comment against him after was sprung yesterday commenting on his own post.

Labor MP gives tacit approval to Adani mine (ABC)

Welcome to's live, rolling coverage of Day 22 of the federal election campaign.

Our reporters are on the ground with Prime Minister Scott Morrison and Labor leader Bill Shorten, and we'll bring you updates throughout the day.

Live Updates

Cops release CCTV in Abbott posters investigation

Police have released CCTV of two men who they believe may be able to assist with inquiries into "offensive" Tony Abbott posters that popped up in Manly this morning.

A barrier near the Spit Bridge has been defaced with a likeness of Mr Abbott and the words “100% c***” written on his head.

Another identical sign, but with the word “Pell” on it, also appeared on a wall of a nearby childcare centre.

A third poster was seen on a concrete wall above a bus stop, also with the expletive painted across Mr Abbott’s head.

In statement, NSW Police said investigators were searching for two men depicted in the images who are described as being Caucasian in appearance, both aged in their late 20s or early 30s who they believe could assist with their inquiries.

Police said one man was wearing a yellow beanie and a white T-shirt with jeans and work boots. He has a tattoo on the inside of his right arm, and a moustache.
The other man was wearing a black hoodie with a black peak cap and dark blue track pants. He has a beard and a moustache.
Anyone who may have information that could assist with their inquiries should contact Manly Police Station or Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.

ScoMo: Tell him he’s dreaming

After suffering through an awkward and chaotic walkabout with embattled Liberal candidate Jessica Whelan, Scott Morrison was not in the mood for media at a press conference this afternoon.
And he had about as much patience as Darryl Kerrigan.
The noticeably irritated prime minister swatted away questions about Ms Whelan and the “Islamaphobic” comment she allegedly made online.
Mr Morrison said the matter is in the hands of the AFP and he would “simply let that take its course”.
“The imagery that we have found, that has been presented to us, appears to have been doctored,” he said.
“And so that is a matter that is being referred, I should say, to the Australian Federal Police. And this is a matter that will be subject to an investigation.”
When gears changed to his $3.5 billion climate solution fund, that’s when he started quoting directly from The Castle.
“The only person who’s trying to sell a pair of jousting sticks, frankly, to the Australian people at this election is Bill Shorten. The only difference is at least the guy selling the jousting sticks would tell you what the price was.”

It wrapped up a day in the outskirts of Launceston today, where the PM ate an apple and stopped himself from personally deleting the Facebook app from Ms Whelan’s iPhone.
Where to next before tomorrow’s second leaders’ debate in Brisbane? Who knows. Possibly Bonnie Doon.

Labor's angry response to Fisher modelling

Another major takeaway from Bill Shorten's press conference was the fact that Labor came out swinging at economist Brian Fisher, who released modelling today claiming the party's climate change policies could wipe $264 billion off the economy.

"This is a campaign to hijack a reasonable debate about climate change, being led by people like Mr Fisher. This is a complete crock of rubbish, this modelling, by a fellow who's spent 20 years building a career fighting every single climate policy," climate change spokesman Mark Butler said.

"This guy has form. He has never met a climate policy he didn't want to tear down, because he simply doesn't believe in climate action. It's a discredited piece of rubbish, it shouldn't be paid any attention to."

Mr Shorten also fired up when he was asked about Mr Fisher's report.

"You implore Australians to accept the outcome of experts with regard to whether the Adani mine should go ahead or not. You now have an expert giving a mixed finding on your climate plan and you're tipping a bucket on him from a great height. Why shouldn't Australians conclude you are cherry-picking your experts?" Channel 7's Tim Lester asked.

"No. No, no, no, Tim. Wrong," Mr Shorten replied.

He said Mr Fisher was like the doctors tobacco companies used to roll out to defend themselves, and pointed to more friendly modelling from Citibank, which found the effect of Labor's policies would be negligible.

"I'll tell you who's on our side of the ledger – just about every scientist in the world. The RBA. Citibank. Citibank is not a nest of communists.

"They have to write a note for the market, for their clients. It has to be up to an ASX level of compliance. Citibank doesn't have any skin in the game, whether Liberal or Labor. It's not a biased opinion for rent that we're seeing in this latest report. They're just telling it straight."

'Racism is racism is racism'

There was a fascinating moment at the end of Bill Shorten's press conference in Tasmania.

Mr Shorten ceded the floor to Labor's climate change spokesman Mark Butler to answer what was supposed to be the last question. Then he strolled over to his deputy Tanya Plibersek, and the pair had a quick, whispered conversation.

When Mr Butler was finished, Ms Plibersek eased her way to the microphone.

"I actually just wanted to say a few words. Because I'm a little surprised that we're here in northern Tasmania and no one's asked us about the candidate for Lyons and those extraordinarily racist comments," Ms Plibersek said.

No reporters had asked about Liberal candidate Jessica Whelan, who has been accused of making offensive comments about Muslims online. Ms Whelan is running for the Tasmanian seat Lyons, currently held by Labor's Brian Mitchell with a margin of 3.8 per cent.

Ms Plibersek drew a parallel between Ms Whelan and Jeremy Hearn, the Liberal candidate for Isaacs who was dumped over his own anti-Muslim comments yesterday.

"What really confuses me is you've got a Prime Minister who is prepared to take action when it's the candidate for Isaacs, but not prepared to take action when it's the candidate for Lyons," Ms Plibersek said.

"Racism is racism is racism, and when you've got two candidates saying very similar things, I think it's absolutely vital that the Prime Minister shows some leadership and makes sure that the candidate for Lyons is disendorsed.

"I think this is a really key difference between Bill Shorten and Scott Morrison in this election. You've got Bill Shorten who is out there with a united, disciplined team. You've got Scott Morrison who is leading a Coalition of chaos."

Ms Plibersek was clearly itching to say something about Ms Whelan. But she and Mr Shorten steadfastly ignored reporters' follow-up questions about Labor's candidate for Melbourne Luke Creasey, who apologised yesterday for sharing a rape joke online.

Labor's Deputy Leader did take the time to field a question about Tony Abbott's posters being defaced in Sydney.

But then Mr Shorten told the press pack the manufacturing business he was visiting needed to get back to work, so the media conference had to end.

Is there a double standard here? Labor's leaders were more than happy to extend the event to take a swing at Ms Whelan and Mr Morrison, but wouldn't stick around to address their own candidate's conduct.

If you're interested, the business they were visiting, Direct Edge Manufacturing, is in the town of Burnie in Tasmania. It sits in Braddon, an electorate Labor holds by 2.3 per cent.

The Opposition Leader was spruiking his $75 million Renewables Training Package, which he says will provide support for 10,000 apprenticeships in renewable energy related fields.

Candidate advocates slapping girls

A candidate for the United Australia Party in Tasmania once wrote about the need for back-chatting teenage girls to be slapped across the face.

Darren Winter, a former footballer running in Franklin, held by Labor on a slim margin, made the questionable Facebook post in 2010.

The New Daily reports that Mr Winter offered his views on disciplining female teenagers.

“Teenage girls are just shitheads,” he wrote.

“Have lots of theories on what should happen to teenage girls or how they should be handled. I’m pretty sure these things went out 50 years ago but would like to start a movement to bring them back in.

“Something like any backchat, a slap across the face.”

The website contacted Clive Palmer's campaign manager in Tasmania and he said the comment was meant as a joke.

“Hang on, have you got children? If I trawled back on your wall and find something about your parenting technique and you were elected for politics do you think it’s fair that I would then comment on your parenting strategies?” the spokesman told The New Daily.

“I mean, my parents beat me mercilessly and were part of the Christian church. But if I post that on my Facebook wall, does that affect my ability as a candidate for any party?"

Tony and Zali go head-to-head

Tony Abbott and Zali Steggall will face off this afternoon.

The Warringah MP and former Prime Minister and his independent challenger will go head-to-head in a live debate at 4.30pm.

We'll bring you live updates from the meeting here.

MP mercilessly trolled over Facebook comment

Energy Minister Angus Taylor's Facebook page has fallen prey to a hilarious trolling campaign after he was sprung yesterday commenting on his own Facebook post.

Mr Taylor praised his own election commitment to build commuter car parks in his electorate by commenting on the post: "Fantastic. Great move. Well done Angus."

The social media slip-up has already made headlines around the world, and now it's become its own meme.

Facebook users have been using the minister's words to comment on all his recent posts. Under each now lies dozens, in some cases hundreds of identical comments reading, "Fantastic. Great move. Well done Angus."

We're not usually up for condoning trolling, but the MP's usually dry Facebook page has suddenly become quite amusing.

It's been suggested Mr Taylor forgot to log out of his own account and into a fake one before leaving the positive feedback. We're betting now he really wish he did.

Earlier, the BBC has seized on the social media snafu.

We reached out to Mr Taylor's office yesterday for comment. They got back to us late last night… to say they wouldn't comment.

Labor leader Bill Shorten was happy to comment today, though.

"I suppose the theory would be that if you don't like yourself, why should anyone else?" he said.

"He looked in the mirror and said: Damn, you're a handsome sort of rooster, aren't ya?"

Whelan does a runner

A Liberal candidate accused of making offensive comments about Muslims online has fled media at an election event in Tasmania.

Jessica Whelan, running in the seat of Lyons, has denied she is behind comments on Facebook attacking Islam and its supporters.

A comment on a video purporting to show “feminists in America begging for Sharia Law”, from a profile with Ms Whelan’s name and photograph, has been condemned by Labor.

“Round them up Donald, cut their clitoris’ (sic) off & sell them to Muslims in Muslim countries & cancel their passports,” it reads. “You’ll make a mint.”

Another attributed to her said Muslims should not be allowed to live in Australia.

“Given that your profile states you went to College at “Never lose hope in ALLAH”.. I hope you’re bloody NOT on our housing waiting list. You shouldn’t even be in Australia if you believe in ALLAH!” the comment read.

Labor MP Julie Collins called on Prime Minister Scott Morrison to sack his candidate over the remarks.

“This is a test of Scott Morrison’s leadership — he must sack his disgraced candidate for Lyons,” Ms Collins told The Mercury newspaper.

Ms Wheln has insisted the posts are not hers and her campaign spokesperson suggested the images have been digitally altered.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison flew into Lyons today and found himself with Ms Whelan, in front of the glare of dozens of reporters.

But pictures from the event appear to show Mr Morrison artfully dodging the embattled candidate.

She refused to answer questions as the PM toured Agfest, an agriculture and machinery field day.

Ms Whelan pursed her lips and look downcast as she walked around with an enthusiastic Scott and Jenny.

Dressed in rubber boots, jeans and a navy vest endorsing her candidacy, she looked around hesitantly at the media as they followed.

After grimacing through an excruciatingly long walkabout with the PM, Ms Whelan ran away from the media pack and again refused to answer questions about the alleged online comments.

Surrounded by a team, she was frantically ushered to a waiting car through pouring rain.

After leaving a busy food shed filled with vendors, the moment was imminent when Ms Whelan would again face questions about the online comments.

The crowd swarmed around her as she and the PM left the shed and a team shielded her from media and ushered her to a waiting 4WD.

One word candidate won’t say

Labor MP Cathy O’Toole has made an appearance on television that’s frankly painful to watch.

The member for Herbert in Queensland’s north was repeatedly asked on ABC News Breakfast whether she supported the contentious Adani coal mine.

“I have made my position on the Adani mine abundantly clear. I have signed the pledge I was asked to sign. This city needs jobs and it also needs economic stimulus,” Ms O’Toole said.

ABC presenter Michael Rowland asked her to clarify whether that long-winded answer was a yes or a no.

“What I have signed on the pledge is that I support the opening of the Galilee Basin, and of course that mine is part of the Galilee Basin.” Ms O’Toole said.

Rowland pressed her, asking: “Ok, so you support the Adani mine?”

“I support the opening of the Galilee Basin and I have pledged that to the people of Townsville. I support the opening of the Galilee Basin of which the Adani mine is on a long list.”

That kind of sounds like a yes, but Rowland wanted to be sure, asking Ms O’Toole why it seemed she couldn’t say simply say so.

All up, Ms O’Toole was asked five times whether she supports the Adani project.

“I can’t understand why there is so much fuss!” she shot back in frustration.

Voters hoping for a clear-cut answer from a politician might not share her view.

Wild winds on the campaign trail

We have landed in Tasmania. Bill Shorten is going to visit a manufacturing business in the seat of Braddon, which is held by Labor's Justine Keay with a margin of 2.3 per cent.

It wasn't easy to get here. Tempestuous weather forced our plane to abort its first attempt at landing – a metaphor, perhaps, for Mr Shorten's efforts as Opposition Leader.

He didn't quite stick the landing in 2016, but his approach to the runway appears to be going more smoothly this time around.

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