
ABC 7.30: Anthony Albanese fires up over unemployment question from Leigh Sales

Anthony Albanese refused to be cornered by Leigh Sales after the famed ABC host pressed him on a “nonsense” campaign talking point.

Campaign has 'shone a spotlight' on Anthony Albanese

Anthony Albanese has fired up at ABC host Leigh Sales over his stance on pay increases for minimum wage earners in a heated clash on TV.

Appearing on the national broadcaster on the eve of the election, Mr Albanese refused to shine further light on his day-one slip-up in front of the cameras, when he fumbled a question about the unemployment rate.

The gaffe was immediately leapt upon by both Scott Morrison and the press, with the former using it as an example of the Labor leader being unfit for leadership.

Sales began by attempting to poke holes in Mr Albanese’s campaign, bringing up Australia’s borders and the party’s apparent backtrack on a wage increase for workers.

“During the campaign, you made the unemployment figure mistake. You said this week that Australia‘s borders were closed when they’re not. You supported a 5.1 per cent wage increase and then wound it back to say that it would only be for minimum wage earners,” Sales said.

“That‘s not right,” Mr Albanese said.

“You did!” Sales quipped.

Anthony Albanese has fired up at ABC host Leigh Sales over his day one election gaffe, taking aim at ‘nonsense’ talking points and ‘gotcha’ questions.
Anthony Albanese has fired up at ABC host Leigh Sales over his day one election gaffe, taking aim at ‘nonsense’ talking points and ‘gotcha’ questions.

“That‘s not right, Leigh,” Mr Albanese continued. “Some of the nonsense that has gone on ... I‘ll tell you what happened. We were asked a question. We were asked a question about if the Fair Work Commission came out with a 5.1 per cent increase, would you welcome it? And I said absolutely. Absolutely I would.”

Sales rebutted, saying the opposition leader took days to specify his stance.

Mr Albanese jumped on the front foot and criticised the “nonsense” reporting on his campaign.

“No, that‘s not right, Leigh. That’s not right. And during this campaign, with respect, some of the nonsense that’s gone on from some of journalists thinking that the campaign was about them and ‘gotcha moments’, is one of the things that puts people off politics,” Mr Albanese said.

“The whole debate that day was about the case that is before the Fair Work Commission on the minimum wage increase.”

Sales agreed that “people make mistakes” but continued to press Mr Albanese on his press conference fumble.

“It really did set your campaign off to a shaky start. What actually happened there? Did you not know it? What actually happened?” she said.

Mr Albanese said he already “fessed up” to the memory lapse and said he wanted to move onto bigger issues.

“I‘m not about making excuses. I owned it. And moved on. But some of the other things, including ones that you’ve raised. I actually gave a straight answer to a straight question about 5.1 per cent and minimum wage,” he said.

“And I stand by that. It’s a dollar an hour increase. And I don’t believe, and I said throughout the entire campaign, we don’t think that people should fall behind, and we don’t think that people should be held back. And people on minimum wages can’t afford a real cut in their wages.”

Labor remains on track to win the election with a two-party-preferred lead of 53-47, according to the latest Newspoll commissioned by the The Weekend Australian.

Labor is positioned to form majority government if the results are mirrored at the polling booths tomorrow.

Read related topics:Anthony Albanese

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