

Take the poll: Women coming forward like never before with stories of sexual assault

Every single woman has a story of sexual abuse or harassment – but there’s one thing our readers have reported that is absolutely chilling.

Sydney's March 4 Justice: "Enough is enough!"

This week, asked readers to share their experiences of sexual assault, abuse and harassment so the men of Australia might finally begin to understand what women’s lives are like.

Thousands of you responded, revealing many horrific insights, the worst of which being just how young this abuse begins.

The majority of respondents (36 per cent) were aged just 10-15 when they first encountered “sexual predatory” behaviour.

The next biggest group (23 per cent) were under the age of 10. Let that sink in.

To be clear, we’re not saying this temperature test is a perfect reflection of how our nation views the issue. It is possible to vote more than once if you used separate devices.

But with close to 15,000 votes on some of the polls, it’s a fair snapshot.

The veil on male sexual assault and violence against women has been lifted this year because of brave survivors, victims who didn’t make it to tell their stories and their allies — women and men around the world who are saying: “Enough”.

Queensland MP Jonty Bush has detailed the sexual assaults she has suffered and girls from a Melbourne private school have started a petition to “name and shame” their attackers after boys from Wesley College were recorded making deeply offensive misogynistic remarks about women.

The March 4 Justice rallies around the country galvanised a movement that is showing no signs of slowing down.

It has reached the highest office in the land where Prime Minister Scott Morrison has been forced to confront historic rape allegations against Attorney-General Christian Porter.

To get a better gauge of Australia’s experience around the treatment of women, sexual assault, violence and consent, pulled together a list of questions targeted at women.

To see the shocking results, or to contribute yourself, answer the questions below.

If you have a story you want to share confidentially, please email

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