
Serial killer Ivan Milat’s dying days spent in an ‘adult nappy’

Prison guards checked on serial killer Ivan Milat one hour before he died. They had no idea his time would run out so swiftly.

Ivan Milat: Timeline of a monster

Australia’s most infamous serial killer Ivan Milat spent his dying days wearing an “adult nappy” beneath his prison green clothing, a coroner’s report has revealed.

The 74-year-old backpacker murderer died in Sydney’s Long Bay Hospital in the early hours of October 27, 2019 from oesophageal cancer after serving 25 years behind bars.

In medical documents seen by, Milat was found life extinct just after 4am, a mere five days after ceasing chemotherapy when diagnosed with only weeks to live.

The documents say Milat was “dressed in a green T-shirt and green jersey and wearing an adult nappy” when his body was taken from Long Bay to the morgue.

The Belanglo Forest killer, who was serving seven life sentences for murder, had been housed in several different prisons until a 1996 escape attempt deemed him an “extreme high risk security inmate”.

He spent most of his prison life in the high risk management Supermax jail in Goulburn until his cancer diagnosis saw him leave there for the last time.

Serial killer Ivan Milat leaves hospital after cancer treatment in 2019. Picture: Diimex.
Serial killer Ivan Milat leaves hospital after cancer treatment in 2019. Picture: Diimex.
Ivan Milat in his killing years (left) and after chopping his finger off in Supermax prison in a suspected escape bid.
Ivan Milat in his killing years (left) and after chopping his finger off in Supermax prison in a suspected escape bid.

A Serious Offenders Review Council report in the last year of Milat’s life revels he displayed “some joviality”, was polite with staff, but didn’t want to associate with other inmates.

A percentage of Supermax’s prisoners are accused terrorists and converted Muslims.

Milat said he didn’t know many of them, didn’t want to and “enjoyed his own company”.

By October 2019, Milat was having difficulty swallowing and his original weight of 85kg had dropped to 65kg.

Immediately prior to his death, nurses at Long Bay Hospital’s medical subacute unit were crushing his medication, which included two types of morphine to administer it.

He was on oxygen and sitting up in bed with the light on at 3am, but when the next hourly check on B shift came, he was found to be dead.

The killer had just $2981.93 in his prison account when he died, not enough for a proper funeral and was cremated without mourners 12 days after his death.

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