

Child rapist finally unmasked as ‘reign of terror’ attacker

Serial rapist Mustafa Kayirici’s terrifying crimes can finally be revealed after he lost a last-ditch legal bid for his identity to remain secret.

Child rapist unmasked as 'reign of terror' serial sex attacker


WARNING: Graphic

Depraved rapist Mustafa Kayirici can finally be unmasked as the man behind a spate of rapes across Sydney, including the terrifying, daylong rape ordeal of a 13-year-old schoolgirl.

The ruthless sexual deviant, who carried out a reign of terror across Sydney over six weeks, continued to fight to have his identity suppressed as recently as last week.

This was despite his conviction on 30 charges of rape, degradation and child abuse charges against the teen girl by a jury who didn’t know his violent criminal past.

For the first time, can reveal the 28-year-old married offender is also the sex attacker behind a terrifying serial rape spree across Sydney in mid-2016.

The jury in the schoolgirl rape case was unaware that Kayirici, armed with a knife, raped and robbed seven young women in attacks in hotels and apartments across Sydney and robbed an eighth woman at gunpoint.

As he did with his 13-year-old victim, Kayirici filmed his degrading and violent attacks on the women on his phone for his own sexual gratification or to try to “prove” the rapes were consensual.

Mustafa Kayirici, 28, can finally be unmasked as a child rapist and serial sex attacker who carried out a reign of terror across Sydney. Picture: Facebook
Mustafa Kayirici, 28, can finally be unmasked as a child rapist and serial sex attacker who carried out a reign of terror across Sydney. Picture: Facebook
CCTV footage of Kayirici before he forced his way into a young woman’s flat and raped her at knifepoint.
CCTV footage of Kayirici before he forced his way into a young woman’s flat and raped her at knifepoint.
Taliah Wolf bravely waived her rights to anonymity to describe her ordeal and to help other women.
Taliah Wolf bravely waived her rights to anonymity to describe her ordeal and to help other women.

Kayirici played video of him violently assaulting another woman to one victim, as he held her at knifepoint, telling her he “loved to see the fear in people when they can’t do anything about it”.

Kayirici made the young women and the schoolgirl repeat degrading phrases about themselves as he violated them.

The rape spree culminated with Kayirici luring the 13-year-old in her uniform to his vehicle as she was on her way to school on June 26, 2016.

Over the next four hours, Kayirici sexually assaulted her and bound and gagged her in bushland.

He also threatened her with his knife, made 11 videos of himself naked with her, and told her “you are not going home tonight”.


Kayirici went on trial for his offences against the schoolgirl before a jury unaware he had already been sentenced to at least 28 years in prison for his crimes against other young women.

Kayirici’s trials or hearings have been delayed, adjourned or aborted.

Kayirici has acted cockily in court, picking his nails and objecting to the face of a person in the public gallery, forcing them to sit outside his view.

A judge was also forced to adjourn one hearing after Kayirici “threw urine on two correctional officers” en route to court.

Kayirici, who was sentenced to a maximum 38 years at his previous trial, will not be sentenced for his crimes against the schoolgirl until February next year.

CCTV footage of Kayirici with one of the women he raped and robbed after pretending to be a client.
CCTV footage of Kayirici with one of the women he raped and robbed after pretending to be a client.
Kayirici’s reign of terror against women came to an end when he crashed in a police chase at Bondi the day after he raped an eighth grader. Picture: James Dimovski
Kayirici’s reign of terror against women came to an end when he crashed in a police chase at Bondi the day after he raped an eighth grader. Picture: James Dimovski

For the first time, his violent sexual offending can be published with his name despite his last-ditch attempt to have his identity kept secret.

Also for the first time it can be revealed the then 26-year-old sex offender’s time on the run only came to an end when his car ploughed into a bus stop after a dramatic police car chase.

The chase took place in Bondi in Sydney’s eastern suburbs on Saturday, June 25, 2016.

It was the morning after Kayirici had repeatedly raped the schoolgirl at multiple locations in western Sydney then given her $5 and dropped her off at a train station.


Detectives had already been searching for Kayirici after he raped and robbed a 22-year-old he met through an escort agency five days earlier.

On the Saturday in question, Kayirici was driving his silver Ford sedan on Bondi Road when police began chasing him.

Kayirici drove his car through a park and crashed into a stationary vehicle, coming to a stop between a bus stop and a brick wall and emerging with a bloodied face.

Police arrest Kayirici at Bondi in June 2016 after a car chase. Picture: James Dimovski
Police arrest Kayirici at Bondi in June 2016 after a car chase. Picture: James Dimovski
Kayirici’s silver Ford slammed into a bus stop after which he claimed he was being wrongly called a paedophile. Picture: 9 News
Kayirici’s silver Ford slammed into a bus stop after which he claimed he was being wrongly called a paedophile. Picture: 9 News

In Parramatta Local Court the next day, he appeared with a bruised face and his eyes swollen almost shut and applied for release on bail.

Describing allegations against him about the 13-year-old as “completely a lie”, Kayirici told the court, “They’re making out I’m an evil person, like I’m a paedophile rapist predator.

“I’m all over the news and it’s wrong.

“The point is I’ve got it all on footage. I know I’m innocent. I did not know that this person is 13.

“She lied about her age. Everything is consensual.”
Kayirici said he took “camera footage” when he slept with women so they couldn’t “cry rape” after the fact.

Denied bail and in custody ever since, after two trials and his conviction on multiple sex charges, Kayirici can be laid bare as a liar and an “aggressive and paranoid” rapist who one judge remarked added intimidation and humiliation to his sexual violence to try to evade his eventual conviction.

The rape spree began on May 7, 2016 when Kayirici booked the first of many appointments with a sex worker that ended in violence and tragedy.

He cannot get out of prison until at least 2044.
He cannot get out of prison until at least 2044.
Kayirici (right) is an aggressive deviant.
Kayirici (right) is an aggressive deviant.
CCTV footage of Kayirici and a victim inside a lift as he prepared to rape her in her apartment.
CCTV footage of Kayirici and a victim inside a lift as he prepared to rape her in her apartment.


He arrived to meet his first victim at the Park Regis Apartments in Sydney’s CBD around 7.30am.

When the young woman let Kayirici in, he produced a butcher’s knife and rummaged through her bag and took her cash, sunglasses and passport to “put fear into her”.

He then raped her at knifepoint.

Kayirici told the woman he had taken methamphetamine and that “I could stab you, take everything and leave”.
RELATED: Sydney rape victim tells how Kayirici ‘loved seeing fear’

RELATED: Attacks on Sydney sex workers: ‘I was scared for my life’

CCTV footage from the day of the rape of a 22-year-old woman was played to a jury in court.
CCTV footage from the day of the rape of a 22-year-old woman was played to a jury in court.

The woman cried and later described it as “a hostage situation”.

When Kayirici became momentarily distracted, she bolted out the door and down fire stairs “before he could turn around and get me with the knife”.

The building’s CCTV shows the woman exiting onto the street at 10.39am, then standing barefoot in the foyer as she told staff she had been “robbed and raped”.

As police were called, Kayirici materialised beside her and yelled “go fetch, you dog” as he threw a mobile phone down a hallway and took off.


Footage of Kayirici’s vile videos and CCTV of his movements were played to a jury in court.
Footage of Kayirici’s vile videos and CCTV of his movements were played to a jury in court.

That afternoon, Kayirici met another woman online and showed up at a Parramatta block of Meriton apartments.

Taliah Wolf, 28, a self-described “Lebanese transgender beauty pageant queen” waived her rights to anonymity to describe her ordeal “to help other girls”.

Speaking exclusively to, the Sydney belly dancer spoke for the first time about “the worst night of my life”.

The armed rape began just months after she had been crowned Miss International Australia and Ms Mardi Gras International Queen, and she believed life was on the up.

Ms Wolf opened the door to Kayirici who started playing a video on his phone to her of him sexually engaged with a blonde woman he then “slapped around” and “kicked off the bed”.

“She wasn’t consenting and I said, ‘Why do you do this to girls?’,” Ms Wolf told

“He said he ‘loved seeing the fear in people when they can’t do anything about it’.

“I knew something wasn’t right and started feeling the fear myself and thinking, ‘What’s he going to do to me?’

Life had been on the up for Ms Wolf before she met Kayirici.
Life had been on the up for Ms Wolf before she met Kayirici.
The belly dancer thought she was ‘going to die’.
The belly dancer thought she was ‘going to die’.

“I didn’t even know if other girls had been killed. I kept thinking, ‘Is that blonde girl alive or dead? What did he do to her? Is he going to kill me because I’m trans?’”

“He’s on drugs,” Ms Wolf said. “He’s saying sh*t … you know you can’t go anywhere … you’re like, ‘OK I’m going to die’.”

“Aggressive” and “dominant”, Kayirici repeatedly called her a “slut” and other names, then beat her and spat in her eye.

Then he brutally raped her, and she said, “I had to fight for my life.”

Kayirici forced Ms Wolf to go out onto the apartment’s balcony, “on the edge of the railing … I wondered if I was going to end up off (the edge)”.

Kayirici (right) in a lift with a woman and her client before Kayirici forces his way into her apartment and rapes her at knifepoint.
Kayirici (right) in a lift with a woman and her client before Kayirici forces his way into her apartment and rapes her at knifepoint.

“He came and grabbed my hand and said, ‘When I tell you to do something you f***ing do it, don’t aggravate me’. I was panicking,” she told

Ms Wolf began to think about her mother and the possibility of her mother losing her child.

“I just looked down and kept thinking of me splat on that ground and was thinking, ‘Oh my God, am I going to be one of those people?’”

Kayirici then asked Ms Wolf if she thought he was handsome, to which she replied “yes” and promised to be his girlfriend.

Moments later a loud bang sounded nearby, an already paranoid Kayirici became rattled and Ms Wolf convinced him people she knew were on their way.


One week later, Kayirici arranged to meet an escort in another Parramatta apartment. Once inside the woman’s apartment, he pulled a knife and robbed her of cash and property before leaving the scene. He committed the same offence on another woman, in her Parramatta home, on May 20, 2016.

The client follows the woman into her apartment before Kayirici demands cash and rapes her.
The client follows the woman into her apartment before Kayirici demands cash and rapes her.

A week later, a 22-year-old woman was working on her second night for an escort agency.

Posing as a client, Kayirici arrived at the Fiori Apartments in Parramatta.

It was around 10.30pm on May 27, a Friday, when the woman buzzed him in.

Kayirici went to a kitchen drawer and withdrew a “large butcher-style knife” and ordered the woman to perform sex acts on him.

The woman screamed and Kayirici yelled at her, “Don’t f***ing scream … take your clothes off.”

The woman later told police, “I was thinking that if I don’t, I will probably die.”

Kayirici (right) caught on CCTV with a male companion in footage shown during his trial.
Kayirici (right) caught on CCTV with a male companion in footage shown during his trial.

Firmly gripping the knife, Kayirici raped her roughly for several minutes, telling her “say you’re a sl*t” and filming them with his phone, then robbing her of her earnings and leaving.

Word was getting around Sydney sex workers about the violent rapist with the distinctive neck and face tattoos.

But on May 30, another sex worker opened her door to Kayirici and immediately knew she was in trouble.

Sure enough, Kayirici produced a knife, raped her and robbed her.

On June 19, 2016, Kayirici was back at the Park Regis apartments to claim another victim.

This time, he arrived with another male, and the ensuing ordeal would take place over three hours.


It was around 5.40am that a 22-year-old woman greeted the second male in the lobby of the complex and they went up to level 29.

Just as she was shutting the door of her apartment behind her and the male, the woman felt some resistance and Kayirici forced his way in.

Producing a pistol, Kayirici demanded the male repay a $30,000 debt, took the woman’s bank card and sent the male off to get money from an ATM.

The 22-year-old woman had let in a client when Kayirici forced his way into the flat and demanded $30,000.
The 22-year-old woman had let in a client when Kayirici forced his way into the flat and demanded $30,000.

The male returned with $700 cash, handed it to Kayirici and left.

Kayirici then told the woman to remove her clothes and perform sex acts upon him, which he filmed with his phone.

In a video that was later played during his trial, Kayirici can be heard saying to the woman, “You like that?”

Kayirici then aggressively raped her.

The woman told a court she felt he was “unpredictable (and) dangerous”.

“I tried to stop it. He was bigger and stronger than me and there wasn’t much I could do,” she said.

Picture from Kayirici’s Facebook page of a large pile of cash.
Picture from Kayirici’s Facebook page of a large pile of cash.


At one point he called her “you little dog”, but a confident Kayirici testified during his trial that he wasn’t aggressive and was just using “the language of the street”.

“I would have said ‘you f***ing dog’, yes,” Kayirici testified.

“I was angry because she took (a pair of glasses). A lot of people say I act aggressive, that’s just how I am.”

This woman’s report to police set detectives on Kayirici’s tail, even as he managed to rape the 13-year-old schoolgirl before finally being arrested after the car crash the next day.

The teenage girl, who cannot be identified, had left home and was running late for school on a winter’s morning three-and-a-half years ago.

Over four hours, Kayirici subjected the eighth grader to a degrading series of assaults.
Over four hours, Kayirici subjected the eighth grader to a degrading series of assaults.


Wearing her school uniform of a white blouse, jumper and skirt, stockings and carrying a backpack, she was heading for Parramatta train station.

After crossing the footbridge over the Parramatta River, she turned onto Queens Ave where Kayirici stood, dressed in a grey Adidas shirt, black tracksuit pants and Nike shoes.

He had his hands full with shoeboxes and a bag from Foot Locker, and the girl noticed “tattoos on his face”.

Kayirici called out to the girl to help him by picking up jumper leads from the driveway and “give them to his mum who was standing nearby”.

The girl couldn’t see the mother and didn’t want to go into the driveway but picked up the jumper leads and followed Kayirici to his car.

Kayirici produced a knife, called her a “stupid dog”, and after she got into his car, he drove off.

On the way, Kayirici said, “Stop looking sad. Someone is going to think I am kidnapping you. Look happy.”

In Queens Ave, Parramatta, Kayirici tricked the girl into helping him before producing a knife.
In Queens Ave, Parramatta, Kayirici tricked the girl into helping him before producing a knife.


Kayirici then drove to two different locations in North Parramatta.

While at these locations, he threatened to harm her with his knife if she didn’t do what he wanted.

He told her, “I’m not raping you, you are going to get raped one day or another … it’s normal.”

He then recorded a 26-second video on which the victim says, “I am 16 and I am a bad sl*t.”

On another one-minute, 45-second video, Kayirici is not wearing any pants and gets the girl to make further comments about a sexual act.

He also told the girl, “I am being so nice to you. If you tell me what to do, you are not going home tonight.”

While at North Parramatta he committed an act of indecency upon the girl.

On Garden Street, Telopea, the rapist made two videos and committed an act of indecency on the schoolgirl.
On Garden Street, Telopea, the rapist made two videos and committed an act of indecency on the schoolgirl.


He then drove to Garden Street, Telopea, where he made two videos and committed an act of indecency on the girl.

On the video, the girl is asked what kind of sexual act she wants performed on her and she replies.


At York St in Oatlands, the girl was forced to commit an act of indecency on Kayirici, then driven to the IGA supermarket at Telopea.

It was 10.32am and Kayirici bought cigarettes, an energy drink, disposable razors and a roll of duct tape.

At the IGA in Telopea, Kayirici bought razor blades and then shaved the terrified teenager.
At the IGA in Telopea, Kayirici bought razor blades and then shaved the terrified teenager.

During Kayirici’s subsequent trial, the court heard the victim was “scared” and unable to alert the cashier with her eyes.

But Kayirici became angry anyway, saying, “Don’t ever do that, are you trying to get me caught?”


At Sturt St, Telopea, they stopped in an open-air carpark of a unit complex where a video was recorded at 10.58am.

On the video, Kayirici and the girl have a recorded conversation and he says, “Thirteen, 14, 15, 16, I don’t know how old she is. She told me she’s 16.”

The girl then replies on the video, “I’m 16”, and he sexually assaults her.

At Sturt St, Telopea, Kayirici spoke into a video, saying the girl told him she was 16.
At Sturt St, Telopea, Kayirici spoke into a video, saying the girl told him she was 16.

Another video – the seventh of 11 in total – was then made, and he sexually assaulted her again.

During an eighth video, Kayirici filmed the act while he had a cigarette in his mouth and also forced the girl to hold the phone during filming.


Kayirici then told the girl undercover police were following and they drove to Garden St, Telopea.

They walked into bushland where he bound and gagged her with duct tape and sexually assaulted her.

In Ermington, Kayirici assaulted the teen in a woman’s flat.
In Ermington, Kayirici assaulted the teen in a woman’s flat.


At Nordica Street, Ermington, Kayirici and the girl entered a unit block and knocked on the door of a resident, a pregnant woman, who let them inside.

Kayirici then sexually assaulted the girl while the woman was out of the room, and they left.

Afterwards, he accused the girl of trying to say things to the woman, saying, “Don’t lie you dirty dog.”


He then drove to a carpark at Sydney Olympic Park where two short videos were made. He sexually assaulted the girl and recorded a discussion about “proper rough” sex.

Kayirici then said to her, “I am going to drop you back at school. I am sorry I have done all this.”

The court heard the girl was dropped at Auburn train station and given $5.

Kayirici was charged with 42 offences from this young girl's ordeal and pleaded not guilty to all of them.

After the final assault at Sydney Olympic Park, Kayirici gave the schoolgirl $5 and dropped her off at a train station.
After the final assault at Sydney Olympic Park, Kayirici gave the schoolgirl $5 and dropped her off at a train station.

Crown prosecutor Karl Prince told Kayirici’s trial in the NSW District Court that he did not expect Kayirici’s identity as the man in the videos to be at issue.

But, Mr Prince said, Kayirici would argue the victim “agreed to go into the car and consented to the sexual activity”.

“(Kayirici) told police she told him she was 17 or 18 years old. It is the Crown case the accused knew she was 13,” Mr Prince said.

A jury found Kayirici guilty of 30 of the original charges, including 12 charges of aggravated sexual intercourse without consent with a person aged under 16 years.

He was also found guilty of 12 charges of using a child under 14 years to produce child abuse material and two charges of aggravated indecent assault person under 16 years.

Kayirici was ‘aggressive and paranoid’, a judge said.
Kayirici was ‘aggressive and paranoid’, a judge said.
Before one hearing, he threw urine on prison officers.
Before one hearing, he threw urine on prison officers.

Kayirici was also found guilty of three charges of commit act of indecency on person under 16 and one count of threaten inflict actual bodily harm with offensive weapon with intent to have sexual intercourse.

At his 2018 trial for the sex worker attacks, Kayirici was found guilty of assault occasioning actual bodily harm, using a carriage service to threaten and multiple counts of aggravated sexual assault.

As yet unsentenced over his crimes against the schoolgirl, Kayirici’s current earliest release date is 2044.

Ms Wolf wished Kayirici the worst during his lengthy imprisonment.

“I wish him life living like a dog in the kennel,” Ms Wolf told

“To feel like my last breath was going to be taken in his hands, I wish him everything he did to us to happen to him.”

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