
Expenses scandal 'levelling score': Joyce

COALITION frontbencher Barnaby Joyce says there needs to be reform in claiming travel expenses after he had to repay thousands of dollars.

Coalition MP Barnaby Joyce
Coalition MP Barnaby Joyce

BARNABY Joyce says political opponents are trying to "level the score" after the coalition won the federal election by exposing his past travel claims.

At least three coalition MPs - Mr Joyce, Julie Bishop and Teresa Gambaro - claimed more than $12,000 in travel expenses to return from a lavish wedding in India where they were guests of billionaire Gina Rinehart.

All said they were engaged in overseas study tours in reports on their travel.

Mr Joyce, who is now agriculture minister, says with a change in government critics are just trying to "level the score against the coalition" by bringing up the claims from several years ago.

"That's what happens in politics," he told Fairfax Radio in Melbourne.

"We never did anything illegal. You did everything that you were basically entitled to do."

Mr Joyce said his decision to take a study tour to Malaysia after the Indian wedding actually made it cheaper for the taxpayer since Ms Rinehart paid for half the trip.

He said the department could have also knocked back his claim and not approved his travel expenses.

In any event, he has repaid the money and also reimbursed taxpayers for using public funds to attend the wedding of shock jock Michael Smith in 2011.

"These things obviously happened years ago, not that that's an excuse," he said on Monday.

He said expense entitlements needed more clarity and reform.

"There's a grey area there," he said.

"I can understand why there needs to be a greater oversight about this and I've got no problems about that happening."

Greens Senator Richard Di Natale says his party will introduce a bill for the establishment of a National Integrity Commission when parliament returns.

Under the proposal, an independent parliamentary officer will be appointed to give advice on entitlements.

"We've got a system of entitlements that is very confusing and it allows politicians to exploit it," Senator Di Natale said.

"What we've seen is coalition politicians exploiting the parliamentary entitlements ... effectively ripping off the tax-payer."

Senator Di Natale said the Greens had long pushed for reform in this area.

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