
Women reporting ‘intensified’ orgasms after drinking coffee

Women are reporting a popular beverage leads to better orgasms – and there’s medical evidence to support their “wild” bedroom claims.

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A British surgeon has suggested drinking a popular beverage can lead to better sex – and women are substantiating his claims.

Dr Karan Rajan, who works for the UK’s National Health Service (NHS), explained there are studies that suggest there’s “a correlation between caffeine and sex”, something he looked into after stumbling across two separate women who claimed drinking coffee gives them more intense orgasms.

TikTok user @Alexx claimed the drink can better “your orgasm by 50 per cent,” in one video, while Julia Grandoni filmed herself drinking three shots of coffee before concluding after she’d done the deed the results were highly effective.

“This is wild,” she declared.

Dr Rajan, who goes by the username @DrKaranr on social media, has now explained the little-known phenomenon in his own TikTok video.

Dr Karan Rajan has looked into the claim from women online who suggest drinking coffee for better orgasms. Picture: TikTok
Dr Karan Rajan has looked into the claim from women online who suggest drinking coffee for better orgasms. Picture: TikTok

The popular medical professional stated that in low doses, caffeine “has mainly a vasoconstrictor effect”, the medical term for it narrows blood vessels.

However in higher doses, “it has a vasodilator effect,” which means that it “widens the blood vessels and improves blood flow”, revealing when this occurs in the genital area, it affects orgasms and arousal.

“The better your circulation, the more flow to your erectile tissue,” he said.

“Thus, the more likely you are to reach states of arousal that sets the stage for a great [orgasm].”

Dr Rajan said caffeine’s stimulating effects could increase focus, heart rate and alertness, triggering people to be more “active”.

During his viral video, which has been viewed over 2 million times to date, he referenced a study from the peer-reviewed journal Pharmacology Biochemistry & Behavior that was published in 2005.

Women are reporting caffeine ‘intensifies’ sex – with some saying the effects are ‘wild’. Picture: TikTok
Women are reporting caffeine ‘intensifies’ sex – with some saying the effects are ‘wild’. Picture: TikTok
Dr Rajan said studies on animals, not humans, suggest there is a correlation. Picture: TikTok
Dr Rajan said studies on animals, not humans, suggest there is a correlation. Picture: TikTok

Researchers concluded there was a “correlation between caffeine and sex” after testing its effects on rats.

“Female rats who were administered caffeine engaged in more hanky panky,” he said before adding: “There’s no real research into whether that can extend into the genitalia of humans.”

He encouraged people to conduct their own research to which many responded they’d already taken the task to hand.

“Not only do I feel like a study with humans would be easy to do, but I’d also like to volunteer to get paid to do this,” one said.

“Been doing this for a while,” a second laughed.

However others pointed out a potential flaw with the trick, stating coffee usually promotes their bowel activities.

“Me who gets poopy from coffee... maybe not,” one remarked.

“I know it will intensify my experience in the toilet,” another agreed.

Read related topics:TikTok

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