
Top industries for workplace affairs revealed

The worst offending professions for in-work infidelity have been revealed in a new survey, and the results might surprise you.

Bill Gates’ years-long affair with staffer exposed

Business trips, working late and boozy office Christmas parties can all spell disaster for relationships, as a new survey has revealed a staggering 43 per cent of workers admit to having an affair with a colleague.

But on-the-job affairs are more common in some industries than others.

The UK survey, from online gaming company RANT Casino, found that people who work in sales were the most likely to cheat with a colleague, with 15 per cent admitting to a workplace affair.

If that seems all too predictable, the industries in second and third place will blow your mind.

Educators, such as teachers, lecturers and professors, took out second spot, with 14 per cent confessing to infidelity with a co-worker, followed by healthcare workers on 13 per cent.

It seems high-stress occupations with a lack of recognition may lead some to seek solace with a colleague who understands their daily struggles.

When former US President Bill Clinton revealed an affair with White House intern Monica Lewinsky it rocked the world.
When former US President Bill Clinton revealed an affair with White House intern Monica Lewinsky it rocked the world.

Transport and logistics workers took out fourth place, with 10 per cent admitting to a workplace affair, and hospitality and events management came in fifth with an at-work infidelity rate of eight per cent.

On the flip side, people with partners working in science and pharmaceuticals, business management and law enforcement can rest easy – these were found to be the most faithful professions among all 25 industries analysed.

The survey found workplace affairs were most common among workers aged 41 to 60.

Those over 60 were second-worst, followed by 26-40 year olds.

Workplace infidelity rates were lowest among workers aged 18-25.

The most common types of infidelity co-workers dabbled in was flirting with a colleague – something 25 per cent of people admitted to doing.

Physical intimacy only accounted for around 13 per cent of workplace affairs, with only 1.5 per cent of people admitting to having sex with a colleague.

Flirting with a colleague was the most common type of workplace infidelity. Picture: RANT Casino
Flirting with a colleague was the most common type of workplace infidelity. Picture: RANT Casino
Almost a quarter of workplace affairs are never found out. Picture: RANT Casino
Almost a quarter of workplace affairs are never found out. Picture: RANT Casino

Almost a quarter of workplace affairs are never found out, but 17 per cent of respondents admitted to getting caught after another colleague exposed their behaviour.

Cheating also got revealed by offenders being spotted by their partner’s friend, having sexy phone messages found by their partner or by a partner checking their bank account statements.

Four per cent of workplace cheaters were found out after contracting an STD.

Most workplace affairs start at work, with texts, social media and workplace gatherings or events also responsible. Picture: RANT Casino.
Most workplace affairs start at work, with texts, social media and workplace gatherings or events also responsible. Picture: RANT Casino.

A quarter of respondents confessed their infidelity actually started while at work.

Sexy texts, phone calls and social media chats were how 21 per cent of affairs started, while workplace social events, such as the notorious office Christmas party, was also where 21 per cent of affairs started.

Women were found to be slightly more likely to engage in a workplace affair at 52 per cent, compared to 46 per cent of men.

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