
These are the ‘most sensual’ zodiac signs, according to an astrologer

An astrologer has revealed which of the zodiac signs is the “most sensual”.

Stop lying about your sex life

Relationships are one of the most discussed topics in my practice. When someone single approaches me, they typically seek guidance on identifying green flags, avoiding red flags, and finding out when they might encounter someone special. For those already in a relationship, or for couples sitting before me, they often find themselves at a crossroads, searching for new ways to rekindle the spark, reconnect after a communication breakdown, or determine their place in their astrological cycle, all in an effort to better support each other.

It’s no surprise, as astrology provides a unique perspective that fosters a deeper understanding of ourselves and our partners. By exploring your zodiac sign, you gain insights into compatibility and even uncover which sex toys can ignite passion behind closed doors. We all have our individual preferences in giving and receiving love and our zodiac signs reveal what brings us pleasure and turns us on.

If you’re lucky enough to encounter an Aries, it’s likely to be unforgettable. Picture: iStock
If you’re lucky enough to encounter an Aries, it’s likely to be unforgettable. Picture: iStock

Aries (March 20 – April 19)

If you’re lucky enough to encounter an Aries, it’s likely to be unforgettable. This cardinal fire sign is ruled by Mars, the planet of desire and lust. They’re passionate, spontaneous and their impulsive nature means they’ll be quick to get into the mood and turn up the heat. They tend to get bored and distracted easily, so keeping them engaged will lead to moments of intense ecstasy.

Taurus is the most sensual sign of the zodiac. Picture: iStock
Taurus is the most sensual sign of the zodiac. Picture: iStock

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

Taurus is the most sensual sign of the zodiac! They love nothing more than taking their time – especially in the bedroom and indulging the five senses; touch, sight, hearing, smell, and taste. This fixed earth sign is ruled by Venus, the planet of luxury and love, which means silk sheets, an opulent candle and a long uninterrupted evening will be your way towards seducing this sign. Don’t rush things, savour them, otherwise you might find yourself out in the cold.

If you find yourself loved up with a Gemini, your bedroom escapades will be far from boring. Picture: iStock
If you find yourself loved up with a Gemini, your bedroom escapades will be far from boring. Picture: iStock

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

If you find yourself loved up with a Gemini, your bedroom escapades will be far from boring. Gemini is a mutable air sign ruled by Mercury, the planet of intellect and communication. Stimulation starts with the mind for this sign, so boost their libido with flirtation, role play and vocalising your needs and desires. Their playful nature keeps things fun, but be warned as they tend to become restless if the relationship loses its spark.

Cancer is the great romantic of the zodiac – the ultimate homebody. Picture: iStock
Cancer is the great romantic of the zodiac – the ultimate homebody. Picture: iStock

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Cancer is the great romantic of the zodiac – the ultimate homebody. They find comfort in taking care of their partner. They have a sensitive side, seeking someone who makes them feel comfortable, purely because they’re a cardinal water sign ruled by the Moon, the luminary of emotions and personal needs. As you build their trust and make them feel safe to express their desires, expect your needs to be met as their sex drive skyrockets.

If you’re looking for intimacy that’s enveloped in worship, look towards Leo. Picture: iStock
If you’re looking for intimacy that’s enveloped in worship, look towards Leo. Picture: iStock

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

If you’re looking for intimacy that’s enveloped in worship, look towards Leo! This fixed fire sign is ruled by the Sun, the luminary of energy and vitality. They exude confidence and charisma, which transcends to the intimacy department as they’re eager to star in their next big performance. Position a mirror as the focal point in the bedroom and you’ll likely have an unforgettable time as they put on a show.

Most people think of Virgo as a productive workhorse, but this zodiac sign is far from it. Picture: iStock
Most people think of Virgo as a productive workhorse, but this zodiac sign is far from it. Picture: iStock

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Most people think of Virgo as a productive workhorse, but this zodiac sign is far from it, given the right circumstances and the right person. This mutable earth sign is ruled by Mercury, the planet of intellect and communication. If you’ve captured their attention and ticked the box of emotionally available, then they’ll show you their wild side and it’ll likely leave you speechless and begging for more.

If you’re looking for stability between the sheets, then a Libra has what you’re looking for. Picture: iStock
If you’re looking for stability between the sheets, then a Libra has what you’re looking for. Picture: iStock

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

If you’re looking for stability between the sheets, then a Libra has what you’re looking for. This cardinal air sign is ruled by Venus, the planet of luxury and love, adding to Libra’s allure and charm. They’re always seeking their own version of equilibrium, which can mean their libido is always in ebb and flow, but once you’ve hit their hot buttons they’ll be ready to go and things are likely to get adventurous and passionate.

Scorpio is the most seductive sign of the zodiac. Picture: iStock
Scorpio is the most seductive sign of the zodiac. Picture: iStock

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

Scorpio is the most seductive sign of the zodiac! They’re powerful, mysterious and captivating, likely to leave you wanting more. This also translates to the bedroom, where they’ll feel compelled to explore every inch of your soul. This fixed water sign is ruled by Pluto, the planet of intensity and rebirth. So, expect a transcendent experience when your bodies collide. Scorpio is associated with sex, so if you’ve gained their trust expect a profound connection.

If you read anything about Sagittarius, adventure is likely to come up. Picture: iStock
If you read anything about Sagittarius, adventure is likely to come up. Picture: iStock

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

If you read anything about Sagittarius, adventure is likely to come up. This is because they’re a mutable fire sign ruled by Jupiter, the planet of growth and good fortune. Whether they’re conquering a country or a bedroom conquest, they’re open-minded and passionate as they tap into this explorative nature. Their eroticism needs entertainment and stimulation, so keep things on the wild side and provocative, otherwise their eyes might wander.

Capricorn is associated with the legendary sea-goat, a sign always eager to scale to new heights. Picture: iStock
Capricorn is associated with the legendary sea-goat, a sign always eager to scale to new heights. Picture: iStock

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

Capricorn is associated with the legendary sea-goat, a sign always eager to scale to new heights. They take their pursuits seriously, going after what they want with unwavering stamina. This means they’re enduring between the sheets with a sensual side to their nature. Capricorn is a cardinal earth sign, ruled by Saturn the planet of discipline and focus. So, expect all eyes on how you can both build a steamy sex life together.

If there’s one sign likely to be open to anything due to their unconventional nature, then look towards an Aquarius. Picture: iStock
If there’s one sign likely to be open to anything due to their unconventional nature, then look towards an Aquarius. Picture: iStock

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

If there’s one sign likely to be open to anything due to their unconventional nature, then look towards an Aquarius. This fixed air sign is ruled by Uranus, the planet of innovation and awakening. However, they’re one of the intellects of the zodiac, so they’ll need to meet their match in this department, otherwise they’ll satiate their lust with an encounter that’s likely to lean towards “no strings attached”.

Pisces is the sign of the zodiac seeking all encompassing love as they romanticise every aspect of their life. Picture: iStock
Pisces is the sign of the zodiac seeking all encompassing love as they romanticise every aspect of their life. Picture: iStock

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Pisces is the sign of the zodiac seeking all encompassing love as they romanticise every aspect of their life. They’re a mutable water sign ruled by Neptune, the planet of dreams and mysticism. This energy transcends to the bedroom, where they’ll happily play out their wildest fantasies, as long as they can fully immerse themselves in the moment. Just a word of caution, you might have to remind them often to come up for air.

Kristy Gray is an Astrologer who helps you attain your desires using the power of your stars. Through her signature formula, Astrostrategy®, Kristy combines essential tools, profound insights, and empowering actions to help you gain momentum and step into your potential. Ready to explore astrology for deeper self-exploration? Your celestial initiation starts here.

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