
‘I scheduled weekly sex with my ex and here’s what happened’

This woman was sick of dodgy Tinder hook-ups so she organised a weekly session with her most recent ex-boyfriend.

The top sex trends of 2022

Joe* re-entered my life at a time where I was having casual sex that was both mind-numbingly boring, physically unsatisfying and with people I wasn’t that into. It was the kind of casual sex you have for the sake of exercising your right to have casual sex. Which is to say, sub-par.

Joe and I had history. We’d unsuccessfully dated 15 months prior. (It ended with him telling me he “wouldn’t be that devastated if we stopped talking or hanging out”.) Then later, unsuccessfully sexted for six months. (It ended with him ignoring my requests to actually address what we had been doing and what it meant.)

When I first met Joe years before at uni, I developed a severe crush that I struggled to shake. Joe is the kind of person everyone conceptualises as ideal. He’s progressive, so not an a**hole, very intelligent, so can keep a conversation about any political or philosophical issue that takes your fancy, and endlessly charming. But above all, Joe is pragmatic, Body + Soul reports.

Which maybe helps to explain how we came to a place of having scheduled sex. We’d had the dating and then the break-up and then the sexting which brings us up to the point where it seemed like a good idea for us to start hooking up again.

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Hooking up? That must mean it’s Wednesday. Picture: iStock
Hooking up? That must mean it’s Wednesday. Picture: iStock

Putting it in the diary

You might say our crazy plan was doomed from the start, to which I say you are totally correct.

To be fair, in the beginning, having scheduled sex with Joe seemed like the logical solution to my casual sex woes. Here was a regular hook-up with someone who I knew would prioritise my pleasure without the hassle of dealing with the bulls**t that can come with the casual sex scene. It was also incredibly time efficient and left me free to pursue other people I was keen on. The whole situation was utopian – I was a sex genius! Call me Samantha effing Jones! Save for the fact that I was lying to myself about the fact that I probably loved Joe and he would never love me back.

Deep down, I knew it was never going to work. But there’s nothing quite like the validation from people who have a history of rejecting you to force you into making questionable life decisions. Of course, they don’t seem like terrible life decisions until you’re five months deep, having regular, scheduled sex and crying the kind of tears that would give Kim Kardashian a run for her money after you send him a sext and he replies, “Good to know.”

We’ll try anything once. Picture: iStock
We’ll try anything once. Picture: iStock

The plan

Inevitable heartbreak aside, this is how we organised things: We would message each other at the beginning of each week to see what our schedules were like, and then pencil in a time that would suit us both to have sex. As part of the agreement, we would prioritise seeing other people, not hook up with each other outside our designated scheduled slot and agreed to keep it only between us. Finally, we decided sleepovers were allowed.

Three weeks into this erotic experiment and after being the person who always had to organise the sex, I decided to silently strike – if he wanted to have sex, he could organise it. When Wednesday night came around and he still hadn’t messaged, I got irritated. I sent a message asking if he wanted to sleep together that week. He replied, yes, and that we should “co-ordinate at some point”. He ignored my follow-up. After more silence, on Thursday night I asked, “What’s the go?” I got a reply two hours later telling me that he was completely booked up that week, sorry.

This was frustrating considering he’s a masters student, who has more time on his hands than an ageing retiree bingo player. I expressed my annoyance, he apologised, we shifted gears and agreed on a set day going forward – Wednesday – to eliminate the need to co-ordinate each week. I put it in the iCal and we forged on ahead.

Unfortunately, poor communication skills weren’t the only issue with this arrangement.

It began with a few scheduling issues. Picture: iStock
It began with a few scheduling issues. Picture: iStock

Seeing other people

If you agree, as Joe and I did, that we should put seeing other people besides each other first, you will need to accept the difficulty when both of you hear about the other person dating new people. You will need to feel comfortable talking about their sex life outside the sex you are having with them. And you will need to be strong enough to field questions from your friends, like, “If he’s dating someone else, does this mean he’s ready for a relationship?” or “How do you do this, isn’t it hard?”

Because it is hard. Being able to understand on an intellectual level that we’re able to love more than one person at one time doesn’t automatically exclude you from feelings of jealousy and insecurity. In these instances, it’s important to be kind to yourself.

Sadly, communication was not his strong suit. Picture: iStock
Sadly, communication was not his strong suit. Picture: iStock

Don’t get me wrong, having scheduled sex with someone who cares about sex being mutually pleasurable has its benefits; you can try things you’ve always wanted to safely, and the sex is better than ever because it’s with someone you’re comfortable expressing what you do and don’t like.

But just as you shouldn’t settle for sub-par sex with strangers for a short-term ego boost, you also shouldn’t settle for good sex with people who don’t care about you as much as you care about them.

There are two potential reasons as to why I lied to myself for so long about how I felt. It may have been because it was too painful to admit the truth of this person never feeling the same way as me. Or perhaps it was too painful to admit I had become the biggest cliche in the book, having scheduled sex – ‘friends with benefits’ – with someone, secretly hoping it would work out but knowing it never would.

I don’t believe all iterations of consensual non-monogamy are doomed. I believe scheduled sex can work for people where unrequited love isn’t a factor and where effective, honest communication is.

Eventually, I stopped having scheduled sex with Joe after confronting the reality that there are better things I can be doing on my Wednesday nights than having masochistic sex with someone who just isn’t that into me.

*Name changed

This story originally appeared in Body + Soul and has been reproduced with permission

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