Brothel manager spills exact time men cheat
A brothel manager has given a glimpse into the exact time that men cheat on their partners.
A brothel manager has given a glimpse into the exact time that men cheat on their partners.
Catherine De Noire, who manages a legal brothel, gave insight into what goes on behind the scenes at the establishment she works at.
She said the brothel is closed between 6am and 10am. That is when all the cleaning — including 100 rooms — is done. It then opens again. However, it’s “first busy hour” isn’t until midday.
This is when office workers visit on their lunch breaks. Between 3pm and 5pm is the next time it picks up.
“Men who finish work early often stop by. These are usually married men who need to go home on time, so they can’t stay for the night,” she explained.
Between 6pm and 8pm evening shift workers start to arrive. It’s usually quite slow during this time. It picks up again between 1am and 4am, according to Ms De Noire.
“A few hundred clients arrive, many of whom have been partying elsewhere first. Most of the staff — including bartenders, receptionists and cleaners — are super busy,” she said.
She added that most of the women are busy as well, allowing the office staff to get work done. Most people are gone by 5am and women use the last hour to debrief about the night.
Social media users were fascinated to get a glimpse behind the curtain.
“This is very interesting, sounds like long days,” one said.
Another begged Ms De Noire for more content.
One added: “If I were to go it would definitely be first thing.”
It’s not the first time Ms De Noire, who is a PhD student, has gone viral for talking about her work.
Ms De Noire recently revealed some of the craziest things she had seen as a manager. One client paid a worker $4500. He drove her to a cemetery. The pair shared a cigarette. Then he drove her straight back.
One man came dressed up in a polar bear suit for a role-play session.
She’s often seen wives and girlfriends who have tracked their partner’s phone. Then, they confront them at the brothel. Screaming matches then take place.
One man asked to pretend to be a plumber and spent the entire session fixing the toilet. One worker accidentally set a room on fire.
Another crazy thing she saw was a woman who only worked at the club on Mondays. Her husband would occasionally visit on Fridays.
“They never crossed paths, and neither knew about the other’s involvement,” Ms De Noire said.