
A Melbourne woman ends up having sex with three men in a single week

Desperate to heal her heart and get back out there, a Melbourne woman downloaded a kink dating app and ended up in a sex spiral.

I'm beginning to enjoy sex again. Source: Istock
I'm beginning to enjoy sex again. Source: Istock

Laura* broke up with her ex a few months ago and recently decided to get back into sex – while embracing her kinks.

This is where Feeld enters the chat; a kink-friendly, liberal, hook-up app.

Within 24 hours of creating her profile, she had over 700 likes to filter through.

Overwhelmed and excited, she decided to pay the $18.99 so that she could actually see the profiles of her potential suitors. After all, there were just so many to filter through.

A week or so went by and, before she knew it, she had three meet-ups arranged. All for the one week. She recorded her escapades and has shared them with as part of our weekly series Sex Diaries documenting the sex lives of ordinary Aussies.

Let’s begin.


I started the week off strong with a healthy self-pleasuring session. Using the compliments that the app had provided me,

It fuelled my ego (and orgasm) to the thought of people lusting over me I then went about her work day like it was nothing, genius.


A tall man with a beanie and a beard rocks up to my house (expectedly). He charms me by offering to pick up coffee and pastry treats from my local cafe, travelling from the northern suburbs of Melbourne to the south east just for little old me.

We peck on his arrival, and chat about the terms and conditions of his open relationship before he invites me to a make-out session.

I guide him to my bedroom where the make-out session turns into an all-out frenzy of my body.

The sex is epic! It’s technically a working from home day today, so he leaves not long after climax and I continue my day of meetings as though I didn’t just have a raunchy sex session with a complete stranger.

I'm beginning to enjoy sex again. Source: iStock: Nikada
I'm beginning to enjoy sex again. Source: iStock: Nikada


Hump day, although there are no humps for me today – besides the ones I give myself. This is a high-sex drive week and all I want is that constant feeling of euphoria. And thus, my Satisfyer Pro works overtime while I daydream about the next stranger that I’ll have between my legs.

Speaking of, I’m speaking to three men – one of which I’ll be seeing tomorrow. This one’s tall, nerdy and claims that he can make me do some very exciting things in the bedroom. I dare him to try.


Mr Boastful hasn’t stopped telling me all the things that he wants to do to me, and how he’s going to do them. He talks a big game, but is also after my friendship. I’m incredibly aware that the term is friends with benefits, but I take that term very loosely because, well, I have enough friends – I just want good sex. Alas, we organise for him to come over and also stay the night. It’s been a while since I’ve slept naked with a boy in my bed and I’m equal parts terrified and excited (naked spooning!).

He arrives at my house around 7pm with a duffel bag that had in it extra large condoms, two blue Powerades (for all of the electrolytes we’re going to lose, obviously), and a sweater of his that he wants me to keep at my house (kay?). He told me to be ready for his arrival, so I was.

Sex this week has been consuming. Source: Istock via KatarzynaBialasiewicz
Sex this week has been consuming. Source: Istock via KatarzynaBialasiewicz

Freshly showered and barely dressed. From the moment he walked in, he started ripping anything and everything he could off me.

I told him how much I liked being dominated and so he took this mission very seriously.

I was the girl of his dreams that night. He contorted me in ways that I’d never been moved in before, and encouraged me to take a firm seat on the comfiest chair in the whole house – his face.

We took a quick food and television break before his hands were down my pants again.

The night of sleeping was oddly comfortable and felt vaguely familiar. Usually when I sleep in bed with someone for the first time, I get awkward, so I lose hours pretending to be asleep when, in reality, I’m wide awake waiting for a reasonable time to pretend to have woken up. This night was different, I slept.


Well done, stranger number two.

I wake up to us spooning naked.

Some silly conversation and fondling later, and it’s time for him to be on his way and me to start my work day. As he leaves, I do my normal morning routine of shower, coffee, change into activewear and sign onto my work computer.

During the day, another boy is eagerly trying to organise a time for us to meet. He hasn’t stopped messaging me since Wednesday and just wants a piece of what I have to offer. Why not strike while the iron is hot? I think to myself. So, despite his best efforts to see me that night, we arrange for the next night after his shift. 3/3 coming in hot.

Sex has become fun again. Source; Istock via Tom Merton
Sex has become fun again. Source; Istock via Tom Merton


Today’s the day – my holy trinity of sex is coming to an end. Boy #3 is coming over tonight and continues to tell me just how excited he is. I’m excited too, because he messages me to ask me what exactly I like. We both realise that our turn-ons are very similar to each others which adds an extra layer of excitement and spice.

I go about my day running errands, going to gym and tidying the house, while he finishes his shift. He does shift work and his end time keeps getting pushed further and further back. He apologises incessantly, but I don’t care. I’m at home, comfortable, and able to get laid for the third time this week.

9.30pm eventually rolls around and he gets to my house, exhausted but fiery. He’s incredibly tall and stocky, just my type.

He starts passionately kissing me the moment I open the door for him, and then takes a quick shower while I spray perfume on my ankles (a trick that I learnt from TikTok, bless). I’m waiting on the couch for him to finish so that we can get started. As he comes to sit next to me, we start making out – but this is different. It’s passionate, not transactional.

Afterwards we clean up and proceed to lie on each other on my couch. It’s at this point that I look over to the corner of my room to see my cat staring deep into my soul. I can’t believe I just did that in front of him.

Boy #3 and I talk while we both start to fall asleep. It’s around 11.15pm at this point and he’s been up since 4am and lives on the other side of town, so we wrap up conversation and he heads home.

I shower and crawl into bed. What a week.


I wake up at my leisure – I have nothing to do today. My best friend is currently away so I amuse her with voice memos of my past week’s endeavours, to which she listens during her morning walks.

I love being her entertainment.

Sex diaries is a series where we get to peak into the bedrooms of ordinary Aussies. If you have a sex diary you want to share please email

*Name changed

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