

It’s not you…it’s the dog

It’s not you…it’s the dog

THOUGHT it was only your future mother-in-law you had to worry about? Think again – a quarter of women would dump a man if their pet didn’t like him.

Is flirting worth the effort?

Is flirting worth the effort?

IT’S no surprise that flirting is a basic instinct, but does it really boost our chances of scoring a date and even finding a life-long partner?

Meet the neosexual man

Meet the neosexual man

HE’S fit and healthy, funny and handy around the house . But he’s also particular about his grooming – he’s the neosexual man.

Why women find bookworms sexy

Why women find bookworms sexy

A FAMOUS quote attributed to John Waters warns would-be lovers, “If you go home with somebody and they don’t have books, don’t f–k ’em.”

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