
Now there’s a dating website for misogynists

DO YOU really, really hate women but still want to get laid? A new website has launched to help these toxic men find love.

What is an INCEL?

IT’S the dating website to end all dating websites — a matchmaker for men who hate women.

California-based, which aims to help members of a toxic online masculine subculture known as “incels”find love, launched this week and apparently it’s not a joke or a hoax.

If you are not already familiar with the term, “incel” is an abbreviation for “involuntary celibate” that has been adopted by men who blame women, their own genes and society at large for their inability to get sex and/or form romantic relationships.

But some social media users have responded with revulsion, claiming encourages women to have sex with incels to “reduce risks that plague society”, such as the mass shootings so often associated with the subculture.

Some social media users have responded with revulsion.
Some social media users have responded with revulsion.

While incels direct most of their hate at females, they also resent stereotypically attractive people of both sexes (known as “Chads” and “Stacys”) and even those with average looks (normies).

Usually, incels can be found sharing violent rape fantasies, whining about their own appearances or bitching about their sisters on websites specifically catering to them such as

But they can also be found in the nooks and crannies of Reddit (where there are countless subreddits devoted to the subculture such as braincels) and 4chan and Wizardchan (a chat forum specifically for male virgins which lists a suicide number on its home page).

The couple featured on are basically Chad and Stacy, everything incels hate yet dream of being. Picture: Supplied
The couple featured on are basically Chad and Stacy, everything incels hate yet dream of being. Picture: Supplied
‘Changing the world, two people at a time’: Picture: Supplied
‘Changing the world, two people at a time’: Picture: Supplied

In recent years, several mass killers have been linked to the incel community, including Quebec City mosque shooter Alexandre Bissonnette, Santa Fe school shooter Dimitrios Pagourtzis and Toronto van massacre accused Alek Minassian to name but a few.

But the patron saint of the movement is none other than than Isla Vista shooter Elliot Rodger, who wrote a 141-page manifesto detailing his deep hatred of women.

In the document, he called himself an “ideal magnificent gentleman” and said he could not understand why women did not want him.

In a video he shot in his BMW shortly before shooting himself, Rodger complained about his social life, saying that he was still a virgin and had “never even kissed a girl.”

The acts of these young men and others are regularly celebrated in chatrooms, where Rodger is worshipped as the “Supreme Gentleman” and Minassian’s chilling last Facebook post: “The incel rebellion has already begun. We will overthrow all Chads and Stacys” is repeated like a mantra.

Santa Fe school shooter Dimitrios Pagourtzis was angry about having been rejected by a girl. Picture: Galveston County Sheriff's Office via AP
Santa Fe school shooter Dimitrios Pagourtzis was angry about having been rejected by a girl. Picture: Galveston County Sheriff's Office via AP
Toronto van massacre accused Alek Minassian made a refernec to the ‘incel rebellion’ and the community’s patron saint, Isla Vista shooter Elliot Rodger. Facebook
Toronto van massacre accused Alek Minassian made a refernec to the ‘incel rebellion’ and the community’s patron saint, Isla Vista shooter Elliot Rodger. Facebook
Incels worship Elliot Rodger as the ‘Supreme Gentleman’. Picture: Facebook
Incels worship Elliot Rodger as the ‘Supreme Gentleman’. Picture: Facebook

The pitch sounds promising at first: “Changing the world, two people at a time, a new dating company looking to heal the world”.

It continues: “We help form relationships that spread a message of love and peace. Many people suffer from the negative effects of Involuntary Celibacy. These ‘Incels’ often share the same common goals as the rest of the population — a desire for acceptance, love and community.

“We built #DateAnIncel to bring this minority group into the forefront of the online dating scene, providing them with a platform to be connected with regular partners. “

This is where it starts to get weird:

“If you have felt moved by the recent media attention around the incel movement and have been looking for a way to turn your romantic life into a message of hope, #DateAnIncel is the service for you,” the website says.

“We match the interests of both incels and other site users to aim to form romantic relationships that by their very nature reduce risks that plague society”. has contacted #DateAnIncel for comment.

The Twitter page of #DateAnIncel. Picture: Twitter
The Twitter page of #DateAnIncel. Picture: Twitter

What do you think? Do incels deserve a chance at love too?

Have your say on Twitter or @marnieoneill7

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