Mum and OnlyFans creator reveals her ultimate dating rule
A single mother and OnlyFans creator has revealed her ultimate dating rule to make sure men aren’t solely after her good looks.
A single mother has revealed her ultimate dating rule to make sure men aren’t solely after her good looks.
Megan Louise, 29, wants to settle down. But she’s learned many men are simply after her due to the fact she has an OnlyFans account.
So — she refuses to initiate a kiss at the end of the night. She also refuses to sleep with the men until she is certain they are interested.
“Even if I’m out walking the dogs and I’ve no make-up on, I’ve had builders come off the building site and chase me down the road asking if they can get my number and take me out,” the Edinburgh woman told The Sun.
“I had poo bags in my pockets but I think he recognised me from being online. He caught me off guard and I said all right and then he said he followed me on Instagram.
“I realised he obviously thinks he’s going out with OnlyFans Megan and not the real Megan, who is a mum.”
She also said she’s more conscious in what she looks for in a man — particularly because of her work. Megan said she has had men say they were fine with it, but then down the line, they’ve changed their minds.
The mum described herself as “quite old school”. She said if a guy wants to kiss her at the end of the date, she won’t stop it. But she will never initiate the kiss. Megan also won’t sleep with a man until date number six.
“I think if that’s what’s on their minds they will get bored after one or two dates,” she said.
“I’d usually wait until we’re six dates in and I realise they’re making an effort. For me that could mean waiting around five months as I don’t go out very often.”
This story originally appeared on The Sun and was reproduced with permission